Page 44 of Go the Long Way

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"Youcertainabout this?" Ethan asked warily, tragically not moving. "Just, with a lot of guys… I mean, not — "

And here he made an unsure kind of gesture towards Jakob that… sure, fair. Jakob wasn't entirely clear what this whole situation meant for him, either. He still liked girls, but hotdamnsex with Ethan had turned out to be fantastic too. That was fine. Figuring it out was going pretty well for him, all told. Long as Ethan was game, it was a question Jakob felt could wait at least until morning.

Oh, morning sex; nowthere'sa thought…

"Usually it's been kind of a 'Wham, bam, thank you, Sam,' sort of thing before we're parting ways," Ethan said, his thumb rubbing little circles again where his hand still rested on Jakob's leg. "Which — that's fine. Good even, in a few cases, but…"

"But sometimes, something different can be nice. Right?" Jakob grinned, the ache in his body as he made himself comfortable under Ethan's covers underlining his own understanding of that statement all too well. "Well, their loss is my gain. Or not. You're free to sleep over there in my bed tonight if you're not into the idea. But I'm calling dibs on this one."

"Oh,dibs,is it?" Ethan chuckled encouragingly, the sound warming Jakob's skin. "If I remember right, you have to lick it to call dibs. Them's the rules."

"Is that what you were doing to my cock earlier?" Jakob asked innocently as Ethan slipped in under the covers next to him.

"I, uh…" Oh hell, Ethan looked cute when he was flustered, and when had Jakob started noticingthat?

Or, an even better question: How had Jakob never noticed thatbefore?

You takeonecock in your ass and now you're going all moony, he laughed at himself.

Or… maybe he'd alwaysbeenmoony over his best friend, and that's what finally drove him onto Ethan's cock?

Mmm. A decent enough hypothesis. Might require further testing, though. Preferably whileonsaid cock…Jakob mused as he reached up to cup Ethan's face, drawing him in for a lazy kiss.

It was just as perfect as the ones before, maybe even better.Thiskiss, Jakob knew what lay on the other side; his questions answered, his anxieties squashed.Thiskiss they could take their time.Thiskiss was a promise. A small one, a simple one; a promise of more kisses yet to come. The rest they could hash out in the sunlight tomorrow.


"Careful," Ethan rumbled in that deep voice of his when they'd finally parted; both of them settling in, and Jakob's head resting against his shoulder. "A man could get used to this."

And though he tried to keep his tone light, Jakob knew his friend all too well. He could hear the warning woven all throughout those words — and the thread of fear, too. A fear Jakob knew from experience would take time to soothe in Ethan. Time that he was always more than happy to give him, especially swimming in these unfamiliar waters.

"Good," Jakob replied simply.

From the brush of Ethan's hand down the sweep of Jakob's back, it seemed to be enough.

It was…differentbeing held by someone bigger than him.

Curling around someone like this; Ethan's body far harder and more muscled against him than Jakob was used to, instead of being the one a small and curvy partner curled into. Trying to figure out the mechanics of tucking himself in against Ethan's larger frame, half wondering how much he really neededbotharms. Hell, Ethan evensmelleddifferent…

Ethan's words from earlier drifted back to him, and — as discreetly as he could — Jakob tucked his nose into the join of Ethan's arm and inhaled; letting the warm, spicy, and overwhelminglymasculinescent of his best friend fill his lungs, setting off something humming contentedly in the back of his brain.

Ethan chuckled, and Jakob flushed a little —caught.

"Told you it was a good smell," Ethan murmured, pressing a sleepy kiss to Jakob's hair.

Jakob grinned. Accepting that — okay,yes.Ethan was right.Again, the bastard.

Finally, he found a position that suited; his turn apparently to do an impression of a languid feline, half-draped across Ethan's prone form. He had one large and well-muscled arm wrapped around Jakob's middle, anchoring him as warmth and comfort sang their siren call.

He smoothed his palm along Ethan's side, reveling in the low hum the touch seemed to draw from the chest below Jakob's ear.

"Yeah, I coulddefinitelyget used to this," Ethan sighed, pulling a very willing Jakob closer to him.

Jakob hummed in agreement, glancing up at Ethan's face to see him looking the spitting image of the cat who got the cream. Sleep tugging hard at him now, he settled in against Ethan's warmth, his jaw nearly cracking on a yawn.

Unf. Had Jakob ever felt more content in his life? He didn't think so. Curled up with Ethan, their limbs entwined together, body still buzzing all happy and sated? Felt like the most natural thing in the world.

This… was long overdue.
