Page 48 of The Hero She Needs

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They were quiet as they passed through the security check at the gate, and drove into the quiet corner of the airport where the private jet hangers were located.

She recognized the Expanse jet out on the tarmac. There were several men in suits standing at the base of the stairs.

Boone drove in slowly and stopped.

“I guess this is it.” She tried to sound cheery. “Bye, Atlas.” As she gave the dog a vigorous final pat, Atlas whined softly.

Boone climbed out, circled the truck, and opened her door. She saw him eyeing her dad’s men. She recognized a couple of them.

Gold-brown eyes met hers. “Stay safe.”

“You too.” Her throat was so tight it was hard to talk.

She’d just stepped out of the truck when she heard the crack of a gunshot.

Then another.

Gemma blinked and saw two of the security guards fall.

“Sniper!” Boone yelled.

The truck window on the passenger side shattered, showering them with glass. Boone dragged her down, covering her with his body.

There were more gunshots, and she heard the squeal of tires. She glanced up and saw a black SUV speeding toward them.

“In.” Boone shoved her into the truck. Atlas growled, staying low. “Stay down.” Boone shoved past her, sliding across the seats, and got behind the wheel.

There was more gunfire. The back window of the truck shattered, and Boone cursed.

The engine started, and they sped forward. He yanked the wheel, the tires screeching as they turned.

Gemma stayed in a tight ball with her head down. She had no idea what was happening. The last thing she wanted to do was distract Boone. She gripped Atlas’ fur and held on.

Boone kept driving. Eventually, there was no more gunfire.

“You can sit up.”

Gingerly, she sat up and saw they were on the road heading away from the airport. She felt shaky and pressed a hand to her chest. “Are they following us?”

“I lost them. Open the glove box for me. There’s a clean burner phone in there. Hand it to me.”

His voice was clipped, and she knew he was in fight mode. She pulled out the cellphone and handed it to him.

He held it to his ear. “Vander, we were ambushed at the airport. Some of Newhouse’s security team were killed. Yeah, she’s okay.” There was a pause. “Okay.” Another pause. “Roger that. I will.” He ended the call and glanced her way. “Vander has a contact in Denver who can help us. They’ll give us a clean vehicle and supplies.”

Gemma was pretty sure Boone’s idea of supplies meant weapons.

His gaze locked on hers. “You’re staying with me.”

* * *

Boone had beento Denver a few times and knew the roads pretty well. As he drove into the city center, he kept checking the mirrors for a tail.

Beside him, Gemma seemed all right. Although, he noted, she kept a hand clenched on Atlas. Her courage amazed him. He knew most people would have crumpled under the stress of her situation by now.

“Who’s this friend of Vander’s that we’re meeting?” Gemma asked.

“A security firm. They usually provide security for archeological digs and expeditions. They’re called Treasure Hunter Security.”
