Page 11 of Winter's Heat

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Cole doesn’t bother turning toward me at the mention of his name. He fixedly stares at the bleak snowy scenery passing us by. Even in the dim lighting of the car, I can see the thick scars running down the side of his face.

A tinge of trepidation spreads through me at the sight. What kind of trouble did he get into that left him with such scars?

If I’d met him under any other circumstance, I’d be scared of him. At this moment though, I’m fleeing from worse monsters. My stepmother and her partner have flawless skin, but they’re the worst people I’ve known in my entire life.

“That’s Kai,” Jacob’s voice distracts me from my thoughts. “He’s my youngest brother.”

“Hi,” Kai greets with a backward glance. His deep brown eyes are warm as he grins at me.

A ghost of a smile spreads on my frozen lips.

Jacob and Kai are both the most beautiful men I’ve ever laid eyes on. Their tailor-cut tuxes give them a polished look but their strong, muscular physique tells me they’re hardened men who’re not to be messed with. Even though they’ve been extremely gentle with me, I can feel the aura of power radiating off them.

They’re both alphas.

I glance toward Cole. If he’s their brother, he must’ve been a handsome man too. Shafts of long silvery strands curtain most of his face, hiding the majority of his scars from me.

What kind of alphas were they?

They stopped in the middle of a deserted street to pick up a strange woman. Did they usually do this sort of thing? Or maybe they don’t feel any threat from a weak girl like me and just want to help me?

Taking a shuddering breath, I look down at myself.

My white dress is completely soaked through, making the pink of my bra and panties visible through them.

Jacob and Kai must’ve noticed it too.

Warmth floods my belly and I have to press my thighs tightly to stop the sudden throbbing tingles spreading down there.

What did these men think about me?

I was a lone girl they’d picked up on a dark, deserted street. My dress hadn’t looked so provocative this morning when I wore it to work. Paired with a denim jacket and knee-high boots, it’d looked decent enough.

“Please, Sir,”my pleading voice rings in my mind, reminding me of the way I’d begged Jacob and Kai.“I’ll do anything…anything.”

With nowhere to hide, I’d promised them anything as long as they got me out of Knightswood. There’s no way I can return home without a lawyer who could get me out of the vicious trap Laura and Pete had set for me.

At this moment, I have nothing.

No money, no power, no home…No lawyer would help me in such circumstances. I could go to the cops but what if they believe the twisted story Laura and Pete spin for them?

I glance toward Cole who’s still avoiding me. Would he let his brothers help me if I asked for it?

A defeated sigh escapes me as I shake the idea out of my head.

Men like him and his brothers would probably send me back home to my stepmother and rid themselves of any trouble. I bite my bottom lip, thinking hard. Could I let them think what they were already assuming about me? That I was a hooker…

The car begins to slow down. Gazing out of the window, I catch sight of the silhouette of a mansion, standing darkly against the night sky.

Kai follows a winding uphill route until we come before a tall iron gate.

As the car approaches, the gates slide open automatically. I glimpse two security guards as we pass them by.

Even though it’s dark, I can tell it’s a lavish property. Bare trees line the brightly lit driveway that leads toward the manor in the distance. With bated breath, I wait to see what happens next.

Kai stops the car near the main front entrance.

Cole immediately opens the door to his side and walks out. Kai follows him but instead of heading toward the manor, he opens the door on Jacob’s side.

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