Page 1 of Sapphire

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Chapter One

Burlesque Love Introduces Sapphire

Talulla Smith

Darkness cloaks me as I step out on stage. My right hand wraps around the cold metal pole, the contact reminding me exactly where I am. The slow sensual beat of the music filters through the overhead speaker system, floating through my veins like the blood that keeps me alive.

“For your pleasure, here is Sapphire!” A deep male voice announces enthusiastically.

The lights switch on, and my routine starts. I sway my hips seductively, twisting and writhing around the pole. Slowly, I divest myself of all the different shades of blue clothing I am wearing.

I have come to hate any and every shade of blue now, but it’s part of my stage persona.


Lewd comments are shouted in my direction but I filter them out, preferring to focus on the beat of the music and my routine. I allow my body and the bass to lead me as it always does. The less I am wearing, the less constrictive my movements become, and soon I can freely shimmy up the pole before descending with my legs firmly above my head.

I have been doing this for three years.

Five shows a week.

I am a burlesque dancer.

Yes, I take off the majority of my clothes, but unlike a stripper, the men never get to see the parts they actually want to. We retain some form of modesty, even though it isn’t much. When I started this job, I thought it would be more like it is in the movies, and the truth is that it isn’t. You never feel like a star on stage, just like another piece of meat to be ogled.

By the end of my set, I am straddling a wooden chair with large blue feathers clutched to my chest, covering my breasts.

I don’t look at the men, instead preferring to stare just above them. I have a practiced, sultry smile pasted on my face as the crowd loudly applauds and whistles. The lights dim out and I am able to escape backstage without the chance of anyone seeing something they shouldn’t.

“Girl, I love watching you!” As I descend the stairs into the shared dressing room, one of the new girls exclaims.

“Thanks, love,” I reply with yet another fake smile.

She’s been here less than a week, so she is still excited about this job. That will change eventually. I used to love my job, and I’m good at it, but it is slowly draining the life out of me. I want to find a mate who can love and accept me for who I am, but I can’t see any self-respecting male claiming me. No one wants a mate who takes off her clothes for a living.

It’s been years since I gave up on finding my fated mate, deciding to settle on simply trying to be happy on my own.

Sitting at my station, wrapped in a cobalt blue silk robe, I stare at my reflection in the mirror. The makeup I applied earlier is still perfectly in place, and although I want to wipe it all off, I hold back. This job is my livelihood; I will play the part until I can find something to replace it.

“Sapphire!” Riggs calls as he makes his way through the backstage area, weaving his way through half-dressed females.

I watch the owner ofBurlesque Lovestalk his way toward me. He is a typical Alpha. Broad shoulders and thick arms with massive hands. He has a perma scowl fixed on his handsome face, his grey eyes always alert and scanning the surroundings.

“Yes, Riggs,” I say, rolling my eyes.

“Why aren’t you dressed yet?” he demands.

“Jesus, Riggs. I just finished my set. Can I have a moment to breathe?”

He studies me for a moment before nodding.

“Fine. But don’t keep our VIPs waiting too long. You were requested specifically.”

Riggs turns and walks away without explaining any further. He doesn’t have to, and I know how it works. Whoever has the most money and power tonight will be deemed VIP by my boss. And they get to request their server.

It’s going to be a long fucking night.

Chapter Two
