Page 16 of Catching Their Mate

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A small note of panic creeps into her voice. I want to take a moment and reassure her but it’s probably better to just rip the Band-Aid off and get it all out there.

“Both of us.”

Chapter Fourteen


“Hell, no,” I say jumping from my seat. “You’re nuts.”

“Iris,” Sayer starts but I cut him off with a glare.

“Okay.” I breathe deeply, frowning at the carpet. “I can buy into the fated mates part. But how is it possible that you two are so calm about sharing a mate? How will that work? Switch every day and then I get Sundays off? Or, am I supposed to choose one of you and the other needs to walk away?” A thought dawns on me and terror slams into me. “Do you need to fight to decide who gets to keep me?”

Raleigh moves so fast that I barely have time to prepare myself. He scoops me into his arms before sitting back down beside his brother. With me, on his lap.

“Take a breath, Iris. You have a million questions, and we are willing to answer all of them,” he says gently. “You don’t have to choose, and we won’t be fighting to claim you.”

Relief makes my shoulders sag. I would never be able to choose between them. I know it’s insane, but I like them. They are good people from the little I’ve seen so far, and have gone the extra mile to protect me. I also don’t want either of them to get hurt. I feel protective of them.

“But we will be sharing you,” Sayer says softly from beside Raleigh. “And you won’t be alternating between us. The three of us will be a mated couple and we will do everything together.”

“Everything?” I croak.

The image that my mind conjures is dirty. Me sandwiched between their muscular bodies, their hands touching me everywhere.

“Iris,” Raleigh rumbles beneath me.

“Mmm?” I’m not really listening to him. But he has my full attention when his lips graze my earlobe.

“I can smell your wet cunt,” he whispers.

“Oh!” I squeak, my eyes large as I stare at first one brother and then the other. Both nod in confirmation. “Oh, my.”

“If you don’t want us, you can end the bonding,” Sayer explains with a note of sadness in his voice. “We don’t know what will happen to you, but shifters go through terrible pain and some even die when the bond is broken.”

I don’t have any words, so I shake my head harshly. I won’t put them through any pain or danger.

“I won’t be mated to someone who wants to be where I’m not, Iris.” Raleigh holds my chin and forces me to look at him. “I would rather be dead than know my mate is out there in the world without me.”

“What if I decide to be your mate?” I ask in a whisper, staring deeply into his eyes.

Raleigh growls. I shit you not, he actually growls, and I feel him rubbing his erection against my ass. My pussy contracts around nothing and a weird moan I have never heard escapes me.

Sayer grabs my hand, drawing my attention from his brother. “If you decide to be our mate, we will fuck you and mark you. We will be your family and you will be ours. There will be nothing on earth that we won’t do to keep you happy and safe. Only death will be able to ever separate us.”




My heart beats faster as I replay his words in my mind. Everything he said, is all I have ever wanted. I’m terrified to take this chance, to put my faith in these two men. But if I walk away from them now, I know I will always regret it.

“We don’t know anything about each other.” My logic tries to override my heart.

“We know you’re perfect for us,” Raleigh says. “All three of us were forced into lives we didn’t want. We have been lied to and manipulated for other people’s causes. And I don’t think I have ever met another woman that has enough guts to drug either of us or stand up to us.” He smiles and I punch his shoulder. “You’re beautiful, and strong, and determined. I couldn’t image a better mate.”

“What if this is a mistake?” I allow my fear to voice the words I’ve been thinking.
