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“Not so much,” Raleigh sighs. “She’s human.”

Xavia doesn’t look shocked at this revelation. Instead, her smile widens.

“That certainly complicates things, but the goddess wouldn’t bless you with a mate if there wasn’t a way for you to be together.”

“We aren’t allowed to share our existence with humans. How do you suppose we win over a mate that doesn’t even know we exist?”

The defeated tone my twin uses to ask the question tears at my heart. I know we were trained to avoid emotions but not everything can be trained away. Being twins I have always been able to sense his emotions, to feel his pain, anger, and even his joy.

“I’m sure you boys will find a way,” she says. “Go on, Caine is looking for you.”

A moment later, Godrick comes around the side of the house.

“There you are. Caine called a meeting.”

Both of us nod in agreement, saying our goodbyes to Xavia, before following Godrick to the pack Alpha’s home.

Chapter Two


When we reach Caine’s house, Godrick leads us to the kitchen where Caine, Calum, Max, and Marc are waiting with a few other members of the pack. Each has a plate in hand already feasting on the spread that has been set forth by Peyton, our pack Luna, and some of the other ladies.

We have these meetings every so often. Caine is looking for a way to end the constant war with the hunters. They continue to target the Katu pack and have caused untold damage. They have burned down our homes and even killed pack members without any provocation.

“We have some intel that a hunter may be in town,” Calum says once he is finished eating.

“Intel?” Sayer asks. “Is it dependable?”

“When I say intel, I actually meant that Max caught a known scent from one of the previous attacks,” Calum replies with a shrug.

Max is one of the best trackers I have ever met, better than even Sayer, and I don’t doubt that he knows what he’s talking about.

“I actually caught the scent before the twins arrived,” Max says. “Around the time that Bryan was killed, but there was so much going on I wasn’t sure. It’s there every time I go into town.”

“Have you narrowed it down?” I ask.

“It’s most predominant around the diner,” Marc interjects.

Sayer bristles and Caine catches his reaction. His gaze shifts from my twin to me, questions burning in the depths.

“Is there something you aren’t telling me?” Caine asks.

We have been hiding this secret from everyone in the pack. It isn’t really something we expect people to be open to. Humans haven’t always been accepting of our kind. Our pack members may look at the problems with the hunters and worry that all humans would treat us the same.

As the Alpha, he deserves to know the truth. I know my brother isn’t going to be happy about this, but I don’t really have a choice. It’s time to spill the beans.

“We didn’t stay around and join the pack out of the goodness of our hearts,” Sayer says lowly. “We had an ulterior motive.”

His words cause everyone to focus their full attention on us. I see a look of shock and hurt flash across Godrick’s face before he schools his features.

I can’t help but cuff my brother behind the head. He has zero tact.

“We scented our mate when we first arrived on the compound,” I explain and some of the tension leaves the gathering.

“Why would you hide that?” Caine asks, confusion coating his words.

“And why haven’t you claimed her?” Max jumps in.
