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“Wait,” Marc frowns. “There aren’t any available females of age in the pack.”

Everyone stares at us. I thought someone would mention the fact that I saidourmate, indicating both of us. But of course, this is what they would pick up on.

“She’s not in the pack,” I say.

At the same time, my idiot twin blurts out, “She’s human.”

Silence descends on the gathered males. The cat is out of the bag now. A murmur of confusion can be heard as each person tries to work through our revelation.

“How will that work?” Marc asks tentatively.

“No idea,” I shrug. “But Xavia says fate wouldn’t gift us a mate we couldn’t claim.”

“That makes sense,” Godrick says with a nod.

“What is the problem with the diner?” Caine asks, getting us back on topic. “I saw the way Sayer reacted.”

“She works there. And I think she stays above it,” Sayer supplies.

“That means she could be in danger.” Calum jumps up from his seat. “We need to do something.”

“Yes, brother,” our Alpha nods. “But we need to know what we are walking into. We can’t just go off half-cocked. I won’t put any more members of this pack at risk.”

“What do you suggest?” Godrick asks, already pacing the length of the kitchen.

Godrick basically adopted us, taking us in and giving us a second chance at life. We owe him more than just gratitude, but the entire life we are living. He is protective of us and seeing him already feeling the same about our prospective mate has me smiling.

“The twins need to get closer to their mate and we need someone unknown to the hunters to scope out the town, see if anyone out of the ordinary is hanging around.”

“You want us to go into town?” I ask incredulously.


“This isn’t going to end well. Neither of us has much control over our animals at the moment. Knowing our mate is near and not being able to claim her has already pushed us to the edge. Being that close to her and not able to do anything about it is liable to have one of us fucking up.”

“It’s a chance we’re going to have to take,” Caine says calmly. “Besides, I have faith in the two of you.”

I wish I could say the same. Just the thought of being near her already has my wolf pacing the corners of my mind, agitation pushing him harder. My animal is chomping at the bit to be allowed to go into town and retrieve our mate. He wants what I want, what my brother wants. Our mate.

Chapter Three


I’ve been in the town of Katu Falls for a little more than a year. In the beginning, I wanted nothing more than to leave but I have found that I love small-town living. The sense of community, knowing the people that live around you. It’s quaint.

There is also something to be said about the nonexistent crime rate. I never have to worry about someone trying to rob me or being attacked if I walk around after dark. I have felt a sense of peace since coming here. In the last six months, I have also had a feeling of safety, a strange sensation of being protected somehow.

My father wants me to come back home but I am trying to avoid leaving. I want to stay here.

I also found that I enjoy the menial job of being a waitress. My entire life I have been studying, working, and training. It’s nice to just be. No pressure.

“Order for table three,” our fry cook, Dan, calls from the window after ringing the bell. I grab it before dropping it off.

“Thank you,” Mrs. Murry says with a smile before I head over to the next table.

The bell above the door rings drawing my attention. Two men walk in, and it feels like all the air has been sucked out of the room. Both are blond, muscular, and tattooed but that is where the similarities end. They have an air of danger that surrounds them and my training kicks in.

I watch them move, how people instinctively try to move away from them, sensing the predator beneath without actually knowing. Most people react this way when their kind is around.
