Page 1 of Pushing Limits

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“You look great.” Maisie places Garrett’s hat on his head before stepping back and admiring the way her husband looks in a suit.

“You look like a dick.” I shake my head and laugh at him, picking up my own Stetson from the desk and making my way to the door.

“Hey, that's not the kind of attitude we need right now.” Maisie throws me a look over her shoulder. I like Maisie a lot, she’s great for my brother and this family, but her Little Miss Sunshine vibe can be draining.

“Cole’s right, I can’t pull this off. I’ve gone over that speech that Harvey sent me over a hundred times and I can’t make it sound right.”

Ever since Harvey Marston came here and laid down his fuckin’ law, I’ve wanted to put a bullet down his throat. He’s got a real fuckin’ nerve. Carson men have been runnin’ Fork River since before he was a scratch in his daddy’s nut sack. Still, he’s somehow managed to get us trapped between a rock and a hard place. I’d be all for making this easy and just killing the bastard, but Garrett assures us we gotta play the fucker’s game for a while. Of course, that pisses me off, but when I think about what Garrett has to lose, I can understand it.

“Forget about his speech.” I march back over toward my brother, reach into the chest pocket of the suit jacket he’s wearing, and take out the speech that's been written for him. Maisie gasps in horror when I tear it up.

“Speak from your heart. Speak like a man who’s grown up in this town his whole life, intends on going nowhere, and wants to raise his kids here. Hell, if you fuck it up, the whole votin’ system’s rigged anyway.” I dust off his jacket and pat his cheek. “This stupid election campaign is faker than Cora’s tits were.”

“Cole! That was my mom, remember?” Maisie looks at me in shock.

“Oh God, rest her soul,” I dismiss her sarcastically before getting back to my point. “Garrett, you don’t even have to give a speech today. Harvey wants you to be his mayor so we already know it’s gonna happen. The least you can do, for your pride and self-respect, is be yourself.” I tug at the tie he’s got wrapped around his neck until it comes loose, then after stripping it away I undo his top button. “This town already treats you like a leader, so go out there and give ‘em what they really want.”

My brother nods his head back at me and smirks ‘cause he knows I’m right. “I’ll be in the stables doing real Carson man work if ya need me.” I wink at him before I move toward the door again.

“Wait.” Garrett stops me. “Ain’t you comin’?”

“And watch that shit show? Not a fuckin’ chance. At least I know what I’m gettin’ with the horse shit I’ve got to deal with, out there.” I snigger before heading out to get some work done.

The yard is quiet today, most of the bunkhouse boys are out on a cattle drive. I should have gone with ‘em but something told me to stay close to home. I can’t put my finger on what it is, it’s just a sense. And one I seem to be gettin’ a lot of these days.

I get to work replacing the wood slats that the horse, Wade’s been breaking, smashed the fuck outta yesterday. These stableshave been here so long, the wood’s starting to rot, so it needed replacing anyway.

“Not going to the big speech rally?” I hear Savannah’s voice and tell myself not to look up. It’s only gonna put a sting in my chest and a test on my restraint. Still, temptation is a strong fuckin’ power.

“Ain’t my kinda thing.” My eyes glance up. She looks hot as hell today, with her long, red hair flowing free, and wearing a pretty, little dress that shows off far too much of her milky thighs. Thighs I wanna spread wide open and put myself between.

“Ain’t exactly my idea of fun either, but family solidarity and all that.” Savannah shrugs as she comes a little closer, taking a seat on one of the crates and crossing her legs. She’s got those cowgirl boots on that screamfuck meand a smile that matches ‘em too.

“You ain’t part of this family,” I remind her coldly before getting back to work.

“Ouch.” Savannah clutches her chest, looking pained and rolling her eyes at my attempt to hurt her. I should know better, this girl’s made of strong stuff.

“Garrett wants you there, he’s just too proud to ask.” She leans back on her hands, sticking her chest out just enough for it to get my full attention.

“And since when did you become an expert onmyfamily?” I grip the hammer I’m holding a little tighter in my hand.

“What can I say, I’m an observer and a listener. I also have the God-given talent of picking up on people's vibes.”

“Then why ain’t ya gettin’ the vibe to leave me the fuck alone?” I ask, feeling my breath come through my nostrils. This, right here, has been going on far too long. The looks she gives, the way she keeps popping up outta nowhere. She’s constantlytrying to make me bite and it’s my own damn fault for kissing her last month.

Savannah stands up and slowly steps toward me, taking the collar of my shirt in her dainty, little fingers and straightening it up.

“Because Cole Carson… that is not the vibe you are giving me. You can try and hurt me with your words.” Her mouth is dangerously close to mine. So close that I can practically feel her lips. “But your eyes tell a different story.”

I swallow hard and cling to my fuckin’ nerve. I can’t give in to her. I ain’t like my brothers, I’ve lost too much to believe that love is anything other than a hindrance. I need to end this once and for all.

Dropping my hammer I take her by surprise when I reach around, lift her up from under her thighs, and slam her back against the stable wall. She’s been baiting me for a reaction ever since she came here and now, I’m gonna give her one.

“I’m warnin’ ya, don’t push me,” I tell her firmly, lifting one of my hands and clutching it around her pretty, little throat to pin her into the wood behind her.

“Seems it ain’t just your eyes that are telling me something different.” The cocky, little bitch looks down her nose to where my cock is hard and pressing against her through my jeans.
