Page 33 of Pushing Limits

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She lets out a huge sigh of relief and throws her arms around my neck, then surprises me a few seconds later when she starts sobbing her heart out.

“What is it, are you disappointed?” I shake my head, trying to figure her out.

“No, this is for the best, but…”

“Maisie, talk to me.” I feel my frustration growing, if I don’t know what’s wrong how can I fix it?

“If I’m not pregnant, then what the hell’s wrong with me?” she asks, burying her head into my shoulder and letting her tears soak through my shirt.

It’s been a long day, but not too long to stop myself from heading out to the line camp when I see Savannah’s message on my bunk. After a quick shower and a change of shirt, I head straight out there and can’t help smiling to myself when I see she’s borrowed Garrett’s truck and parked in front of the cabin.

“You know you should really get your own rid—” The words stop coming when I see her lying out on the bed, bare ass naked apart from those boots I like so much.

“Wanna have some more fun, cowboy?” she teases as her hand slowly slides down her body and rests between her legs.

“I thought you might like to see for yourself the kinda things I get up to when you’re not around.” Her fingers stroke lazily against her clit, and I wet my lips wondering how the hell I can feel jealous of her using her own hand.

“You ever think of me when you get yourself off?” she asks, the smile on her face telling me she probably already knows the answer, but I nod back at her regardless.

I’ve spent every night since I got here wondering what it would feel like to have you touch me, and now that I know, it makes holding back real hard.

“Take your hand away,” I order, lifting my hat off and balancing it on the bedpost as I step closer.

My tongue is desperate to taste her again, and when she doesn’t do as I requested I sink onto my knees, snatch at her thighs, and twist her body so her legs hang off the mattress and her pussy is pressed against my mouth.

The sound she makes when I softly blow against her sensitive flesh is so fucking desperate but I love it. I love that I have the ability to make this girl weak. I love how when we’re together like this she lets me dominate, and I love that her pussy is already glistening and ready for me to take.

“Col—” She cuts off her own words when I make a slow lick through her center and with my name trapped in her throat, she needily bucks against my tongue.

There’s so much I want to punish this girl for. It’s so frustrating that I can’t get her out of my head. I hate the way I worry about her when I’m not with her and, worst of all, I hate that I miss her. I want to hold her hand and kiss her goodbye the way Wade and Garrett do with their women. For so long I’ve closed myself off to the idea of having somebody, and now I wanna break every damn one of the stupid rules we have in place. I want this girl to fall for me. I want her to fall so hard she’ll never get back up. That way, I’d get to keep her.

It’s selfish of me to think like that. I’m not the kinda man she should be around, not even on my good days. I have scars inside and out. I’m diseased with hate and the need for vengeance and this girl feels like the cure to all that. Allowing her to do that wouldn’t be fair, I’d suck all the good outta her and bring her down, and that’s an unfair consequence for her to have to pay.

I’m not just scared of hurting her. I’m scared of getting hurt myself. Which seems strange since I’ve hit rock bottom. I thought that made me indestructible, I relied on it, and then just when I thought nothin’ could hurt me no more, along came fuckin’ Red.

I climb up her body and kiss her, letting her fingers unbutton my shirt and drag it off my shoulders. Her lips taste like whiskey, maybe she had a few shots of it for courage before I got here, and now I’m starting to wish I’d done the same.

“What’s wrong?” She looks up at me and asks when she notices that I’m hovering over her body and staring at her. I shake my head because nothing’s wrong. Nothing’s wrong at all. In fact, I’ve just figured out how right everything is.

“Cole?” She stares back at me, puzzled.

“Nothing’s wrong,” I promise her, cradling her face in my hand as I kiss her again, this time in a different way to the times before. I don’t kiss her like I wanna possess her, or like I need to prove something. I hold her like she’s the most precious thing in the world and I kiss her like she owns all the shattered pieces of my stone-cold heart.

A warmth spreads over my skin and I feel that coldness start to thaw, and I can’t deny that it’s happening. I’m falling. I can’t stop it and I don’t even think I want to anymore.

I reach down between us and strip off my jeans, letting my cock find its way to her and watching her pretty eyes stretch open as I slowly edge it inside her. She’s a sight that seems too perfect to look at. I love the way her cheeks flush almost as red as her hair when she’s high on pleasure. I love the tiny dusting of freckles on her nose that only show up when the sun's bright. I’m starting to think I might love everything about this woman, even the parts that drive me crazy.

“You’re perfect.” The words slip out of my mouth as I steadily thrust inside her and Savannah looks surprised by ‘em. Her eyelashes flutter and her lips twitch into a smile that she bites back down. I don’t regret the words coming out, in fact, her reaction to ‘em gives me the hope that maybe she wants to break the rules too.

I take my time with her, I kiss her neck and her shoulders while I continue to slowly ease myself in and out of her perfect tight hole. I let her come whenever she wants. I let her hands wander all over my body and explore me, no longer feeling afraid of what she might uncover. I don’t know where or when the tide shifted for us, but I do know that she owns me now.

When I wake up, it’s her big doe-like eyes that stare back at me. The light is low and flickering from the candles she’s lit and it creates the perfect glow around her soft red hair. I flick a strand of it between my fingers just to check I'm not dreaming.

“Things have changed, haven’t they?” Savannah smiles at me sadly.

“Yeah, darlin’, things have changed,” I admit, no point denying it to her or myself. It’s what we’re gonna do about it that’s gonna be the problem.

“Do you still love her?” She shocks me with her question and when I narrow my eyes at her, she explains. “Aubrey, do you…”
