Page 28 of Love’s Redemption

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“He does,” Walt replied. Daniel glanced at Walt, not having expected him to have heard. Walt’s gaze never left the match. “Theo’s got… something… I don’t know. Spirit? He’s gotchutzpahfor sure.”

Yiddish? Really?He hadn’t taken Walt for Jewish, but maybe he wasn’t. It was a common enough, and old enough, word that many used it. As Theo and Bruno continued their small attacks and retreats, continuing to test out the other’s defenses, Daniel quickly looked around. There was a mix of excitement and boredom on the faces of the gamblers. Cheering and booing collided in his ears.

“Thirty seconds,” Bruno’s trainer shouted, and as if that was a sign, Bruno left the carefree attitude behind and went full out against Theo. A succession of jabs, overhand strikes, and roundhouse kicks pushed Theo backward until he collided with the cage.

Daniel cringed but didn’t dare look away at the pummeling Theo took to his stomach, ribs, and a parting shot to the temple before he stepped back.Ding!

Walt picked up a stool and a bucket and charged into the cage. Daniel raced after him, skidding to a stop beside Theo. He pressed a hand to his mouth, seeing how Bruno had cut Theo’s forehead, a trickle of blood spilling down his angel’s face.Do not throw up, do not throw up, became a mantra as Walt applied an anti-coagulant to the wound.

“Give him some water, Dan,” Walt ordered, and Daniel, happy to have something to do, complied.

He grabbed the squeeze bottle of water and streamed some into Theo’s mouth as he scanned his body. “How are you holding up?”

Theo nodded, swallowed, and mumbled, “Good,” around the mouthguard.

“Think you can take him out this round?” Walt asked.

“Should I?” Theo blinked at Walt. “I can hold him off, make it more dramatic.”

Daniel flicked Theo’s shoulder. “Do what Walt said. You’re still new, remember?” He glared at the angel. “Now is not the time to get a swollen head.”

Theo slumped. “You’re right. Egotism is a problem with us.”

Daniel snorted. Angels with egos… That didn’t surprise him one bit. “Do what Walt said,” he repeated, grabbing Theo’s chin. “Win now.” Without any forethought, he smacked a kiss on Theo’s mouth, then let go, heading for the door. He paused before exiting, looking back, and saw Theo’s gaze on him, a sweet smile on his lips.


Daniel jumped out of the way as Walt sprang from the cage, the door slamming after him.

“Come on,” Walt shouted over the swift uproar from the spectators. “I don’t want to miss of second of this.” They took up the same positions, gazes glued to Theo and Bruno. Somehow, Daniel’s stomach remained calm despite Bruno reopening the cut on Theo’s brow and the bloody nose Theo gave Bruno. He had deflected a jab while spinning and thrusting his elbow upwards, and then connecting with both Bruno’s chin and nose.

Bruno stumbled, shaking his head and thumbing the blood from his nose. He flicked his wrist and droplets flew, staining the already sweat and blood-stained floor of the ring. He glared at Theo, and then he roared. With his eyes narrowed and jaw clenched, Bruno turned from the punk-kid-next-door to a thug-intent-on-harm in an instant.

Theo took a few steps backward from Bruno, rolled his shoulders, and shook out his arms and legs before slowly lowering into a loose crouch. With his fists raised, he rocked, ready to block anything Bruno might throw while waiting for an opening to attack. To Daniel, Theo looked completely in his element, like there was nothing and no one that could stand in his way. Theo’s confidence inspired Daniel to stand a little straighter, to breathe a little deeper, and to shout a little louder.

“Go, Theo! You can do it!”

Theo’s lips twitched, his eyes darted to Daniel for just a second, then he nodded. It was enough to let Daniel know he’d been heard and his cheer appreciated.

Bruno, however, scowled at Daniel. He backpedaled just enough in their direction that Daniel and Walt heard him say, “Your boyfriend’s going down,” before he sprinted across the divide, jumped, and kicked both feet into Theo’s chest. Theo absorbed the blow, rolling backward and coming up on his feet at the same time Bruno hit the mat. Before Bruno could get up, Theo was on him. He pushed his face into the mat, using his heavier weight to keep Bruno down, and tangled their legs together. Quickly, he slipped one arm around Bruno’s neck. Theo then slid his other hand under Bruno’s arm and grabbed his opponent’s head, putting him into a choke hold.

Bruno thrashed and bucked, but Theo held on and continued to hold on as Bruno’s moves got weaker and weaker. The referee was down on his knees, watching Bruno’s face. The moment Bruno slipped into unconsciousness, the ref called the match, slapping the mat and shouting for Theo to let go.

Bruno’s trainer crashed open the cage door and shoved Theo off when he didn’t move fast enough. Theo just laughed as he toppled to his back, and that was how Daniel found him. Blood trailing down his face, his bottom lip and nose swollen, red marks on his chest and arms, and God damn it, laughing his fool head off.

Walt stood beside Daniel and shook his head. “Adrenaline,” he muttered, offering a hand to Theo and pulling him to his feet. The ref grabbed Theo’s other wrist and raised his arm in the air, signaling victory.

A lot of the gamblers booed, but there was enough cheering to have Theo peering around and waving. Of those who cheered, many of them were making their way to the bookies to collect their payouts.

Troy will be happy, Daniel mused. He glanced at Theo, his stomach turned over, and he quickly averted his eyes. What the hell? He’d been fine during the match and now he was going to be sick. He tottered to the door, grabbing the cage to keep upright as he peered around for the closest garbage can.

Someone grabbed his elbow and propelled him down the steps and along the walkway. Pushed forward and jostled as he was by the crowds, Daniel had to focus on not hurting anyone on their return to the locker room. Once the door swung closed behind them, though, another glance at Theo had him running for the industrial-sized garbage can.

“Daniel…” Theo touched his back.

“Leave him a sec, Viking,” Walt said, snickering at Daniel’s expense and pulling Theo away. “Let’s get that blood off you so he doesn’t hurl again.”

Theo caressed Daniel’s arm. “I’ll be right back.”

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