Page 50 of Love’s Redemption

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He shivered, then shivered again when he stepped outside, wrapping his scarf tighter around his neck and pulling his beanie down over his ears. Maybe once this mess was over, he’d buy some tickets to Orlando and convince his sister and her family to fly with him to Florida to visit the Big Mouse. What he wouldn’t give for temps in the sixties or seventies right now…

Ginny was right, though. It was a beautiful, sunny day, so Daniel opted to walk on the boards instead of the concrete sidewalks. A gentle wind blew off the water, and Daniel turned his face into it, soaking up the sun nearing its zenith. He thought about all the things he could do with his free time: laundry, food shopping, giving the apartment a once over, hitting the shops in search of holiday presents for his niece.

He shook his head and laughed at himself as he held the rail of the boardwalk that overlooked one of the outside bars currently shuttered for the winter months. It was one of the few places where the dunes didn’t impede one’s view of the sandy beach and rolling waves. He’d done what he always did: gave his sister the cash to go buy a present for his niece from him. It wasn’t nearly as much as he usually gave—damn medical bills—but she, of course, said it was plenty.

With the sun warming him nicely, Daniel set out along the boardwalk. His gaze darted about, taking in the people, the shops, the eateries, hoping something might appeal. Voices singing in the distance drew him onward. Carols, he realized, once the words became clearer. He thought it might be a church choir by the songs they’d chosen. His suspicions were confirmed when he saw the white collar of the priest directing them.

Daniel paused to listen, soaking in the holiday spirit. The priest caught his eye and smiled. It was then Daniel realized he knew the man, but not as someone in charge of a congregation. This guy was one of the homeless men he often passed on his way into the office. Someone to whom he’d dropped dollars and coins. Anger filled him at the deceit, and he seethed as the priest finished off the song and wished everyone a good day and a joyous holiday season.

The priest grinned as he approached. “Ah, Daniel. I was hoping to see you.”

Hearing his name pulled Daniel up short. He narrowed his eyes. “How do you know my name?”

Chuckling, the priest replied, “I have friends in high places.” He jerked his chin skyward and winked.

“Are you one of them?” Daniel raked the priest from top to bottom. Nothing about him screamed angel or former angel, but looks could be deceiving. The guy could be a demon for all he knew. Sitting outside the offices could have been one of Troy’s early warning systems. Conversely, if he worked with the angels, he could be one of their spies.

“Human, through and through, but He’s taken an interest and has given me instructions.”

“He?” Daniel fished, even knowing the answer.

The priest scoffed. “Walk with me?”

Daniel shrugged and followed. “You mentioned instructions,” he inquired after they’d gone a block or two.

“Nothing so concrete. He just wanted to remind you that help is here… if you need it.” He motioned at a restaurant, where they could see businessmen and women, couples, all drinking.

“I’m good,” Daniel said through clenched teeth, hating the itch that urged him to turn and head inside. “I did this to myself. One and done whenever I do, you know. I’ve turned away from the massive drinking I used to do. As for this other mess, I have to get myself out of it. I’m thankful for their help, but not that Theo has gotten dragged into Troy’s craziness.”

“You’re frightened for him?”

“Fuck, yes. Sorry, Father, but yes. Another fight tonight. The opponents are getting bigger, more vicious. I don’t want to lose him…” Daniel trailed off, hesitating over the phrase. He’d for sure keep Theo if he could.

Unwilling to put voice to that wish, he changed tack instead, curious how a priest ended up working with the angels. He squinted at the man. “Are you really a priest? You seemed pretty comfortable living on the streets.”

“I am,” the priest replied, “and I just realized I never introduced myself.” He stuck out a hand. “Father Hector DeJesus, at your service, or well, you know what I mean. I pretend so I can help others. Like Locke? Do you know him?”

“I think so… He’s with Judah, right?”

Father Hector nodded. “He is. So in love those two.”

“That doesn’t bother you.”

“No, not at all. Let’s walk on and talk more. My ears are open.”

Daniel agreed wholeheartedly to the walking and the talking. Not having anyone to talk to about Theo was driving him crazy. Maybe Hector had an answer to his burning question… How in the world, in only five nights, had he fallen for a larger-than-life heavenly angel?

On the Sixth Night of Chanukah

Thursday: Sunset


When Theo arrived inside Daniel’s apartment just as the sun dipped below the horizon, his mate nearly tackled him. Daniel shuddered as Theo held him tightly to his chest, thrilled by the eager reception.

“You have to fight again tonight. I don’t want you to, but Troy is insisting.”

Theo’s elation took a nose-dive with the realization that the shakes hadn’t been excitement but fear. He rubbed Daniel’s back, trying to soothe him. “It’s fine, expected even. Why are you worried?”
