Page 66 of Secrets and Kisses

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Stefan did a little wiggle that showed he approved of the plan so far, but we’d have to see how that changed.

“Let’s see what else you have…” Helping him with the bag, I let him take out the last surprise, a dinosaur costume that was basically like footie pajamas. They were just like ones Kenzie had read about in a book.

He’d talked about the blasted things for weeks until I’d bought him some, and it seemed like something he would’ve shared with his favorite librarian.


Stefan giggled around the binkie, holding up what I thought of as his new dinosaur pajamas and giving a cute roar. “Oh, a scary dinosaur.”

That just made him giggle even more and he turned around in my arms to hide against me and snuggle. “You’re going to be the cutest dino ever.”

Pushing the costume against me, Stefan giggled and hid. The obvious signal was that he wanted to be dressed up, so I kissed his head and made a thinking sound. “Should we dress up a little dinosaur before we have book time?”

As he nodded, I made a mental note to buy the dragon costume they also had…and maybe a few more depending on what looked cute. “Alright, let’s get you ready and then we’ll get a bottle and find the best place to snuggle and read.”

Giving him a dejected sigh that made him giggle, I slouched and pouted, shifting the tone to something sillier. “I don’t have my big chair here, so we’ll have to find another option because I have to be able to cuddle you good.”

My drama had him sitting up and giving me a pat on the cheek as he nodded. “You’ll help? Thank you.”

He was so cute.

He was also very excited because he scampered up on all fours before standing and holding his arms up. Stefan was clearly ready to be dressed as a dinosaur, so I obeyed thehurry, Daddylook he was giving me as he sucked on his binkie.

My impatient cutie wiggled in place as I stood up and went over to the diaper bag to grab a diaper with blocks all over the front. Stefan seemed bound and determined to ignore it, though, staring at his new shirt and everything else except the diaper I placed on the coffee table.

“I can’t wait to cuddle the cutest dinosaur ever.” As I took off his sweater, sweeping it up his arms, he cocked his head and was clearly thinking about something.

But with the binkie staying firmly in place, I couldn’t even begin to guess. The only thing I was fairly certain about was that itwasn’trelated to the diaper, so I kept chattering. “The store that sells the dinosaur outfit also has a dragon one. Kenzie said he didn’t need one because he was already a cute dragon.”

That got another giggle from Stefan, but he held his hands out to the side in an exaggerated shrug. “Oh yes, we’ll have to make sure you can see Kenzie’s dragon side because he thinks he’s beautiful and he’s not afraid to tell you that.”

A grin peeked out around his binkie as his hands came out to the side…like wings? “Do you want to be a dragon?”

His enthusiastic nod said that was a brilliant idea, and the idea of seeing another dragon didn’t give him a heart attack, so I thought we were doing great. But when he pointed to the dinosaur costume, I realized there was something I’d missed.

“Do you have a question about your outfit?” Head shake. “Kenzie’s?” Nod. “Does Kenzie have a dino costume?” Another nod.

We were making progress and it was a wonderful distraction as I took his pants off. “Yes, and he was the biggest pain in the butt until he got it.”

Snickering, Stefan gave me a wide-eyed sweet look that had me fighting off a laugh. “I know. You’re a good boy and wouldn’t pitch a fit in the diner until I agreed to buy you one.”

This time when Stefan’s eyes went wide it wasn’t an act.

“I know. I said he was a pain in the butt and I meant it.” Shaking my head as I encouraged him to sit down for me, I took off his pants and socks as he obeyed. “He said it was something a Daddy should buy, and since I was the only Daddy he could bug, I had to do it.”

Stefan didn’t seem to know if he should giggle or still be in shock from the audacity.

“I kept telling him no because he didn’t need one. He could get a present at Christmas if he really wanted it, but he kept whining and pouting until Mr. Kennedy told me to stop being mean and make Kenzie a dinosaur.” At that point, Stefan decided giggling won out.

I didn’t blame him, but I did nudge his shoulders and help him stretch out on the floor as I told the ridiculous story.

“Well, I really didn’t appreciate that, but when Nancy came out and started threatening Kenzie with soup for the next year, I knew I had to do something and I bought it for him.” Now Stefan was laughing at me, not at the situation.

I still didn’t blame him.

And it was still a wonderful distraction as I stripped off his briefs and ignored his naked body. “I should not have rewarded that bad behavior, but I really didn’t want to see what Mr. Kennedy would end up buying on his quest to get Kenzie a dinosaur outfit.”

That man was a menace.
