Page 67 of Secrets and Kisses

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But talking about how ridiculous he was let me get the diaper under Stefan’s bottom with only a faint blush.

“That man’s online shopping habit is not my problem, but last year he ended up with a case of shampoo and half the town smelled like cinnamon and grapefruit for weeks. That was a god-awful stench.”

As the diaper went around Stefan and I got the sides taped, he giggled again and made an exaggerated sniffing gesture. “Yes, it was a mix of both scents. I don’t know what happened because I refused to get mixed up in the stinky affair, but it was painful.”

Stefan was still refusing to acknowledge the diaper but he got much more animated when I picked up his outfit. Gimme fingers came out and he made happy sounds around his binkie as I slipped it on his feet. “I was so glad when everyone ran out of it.”

I could still smell it in my nightmares.

“Alright, stand up.” Stefan took my hands and hurriedly obeyed, but I couldn’t decide if he was excited about his outfit or that it would cover up his diaper. “Good boy. Thank you for being careful.”

Either way, I helped him get into his costume and zipped up the front. “The best-looking dinosaur ever.”

Kissing his nose, I let him ignore the diaper and focused on our playtime. “Should we read more Narnia or something new?”

My little dinosaur growled around his binkie and brought his hands up like a T-Rex. The answer was cute but not helpful. “Don’t eat me.”

He lost his growls and dissolved into giggles.

It looked like reading might have to wait.

I had a dinosaur to evade.

Chapter 19





“Are you thirsty, little dinosaur?” Daddy didn’t seem to believe me when I shook my head and hid against him. “How about just one sip?”

I wasn’t ready to be big but I was almost thirsty…and that gave me questions…and questions made me big.

Daddy didn’t mind that I tried to climb under him. He just made room and let me snuggle closer. “How about two sips and we’ll have a snack or find some cartoons?”

But two sips were a lot when I’d already had water and juice.

Two sips would make me pop.

“Two sips and more snuggles?” Daddy was still sounding very cheerful even when I whined and hid under the book. “Just for me?”


Daddy knew.

He was so smart and he was going to make me pop.

“I bet my sweet boy would like bottle snuggles.” He made it sound so tempting. “Or we could even have more special snuggles with my little spoon. Should we go outside so I don’t squish the bed?”

That was cheating…he made me giggle and giggles would make me pop too.

Shaking my head, I pushed my face against his tummy and wrapped my arms around him. Daddy giggled and put the book down. “Bed snuggles it is.”

He hugged me tight and pulled me up so I was almost on his lap and could hide my face against his neck. Daddy was so strong I gasped and he laughed again. “Dragon Daddy to the rescue.”
