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“Yeah. He said you have the same floppy hair.”

Finn laughs and runs his hand through it. When he was younger, he couldn’t even be bothered to brush it, but now he has it cut at the barber’s regularly, and he styles it every morning. My baby’s growing up. I get a lump in my throat at the thought that Alex has promised he’ll show him how to shave. Will he still be around when Finn’s a teenager and growing hair everywhere and getting moody and having girlfriends of his own?

I guess only time will tell.


We have a quiet Christmas Eve, then get up on Christmas morning and open our presents together. Gone are the days when Finn used to wake me up at six—this time he comes out on his crutches at ten a.m. looking bleary-eyed, but he’s still as excited as usual to open his presents.

Especially the parcel from Alex. I have no idea what Alex has brought him, and I watch Finn open the present with interest. I smile as he peels off the paper. It’s a box of LEGO, aged thirteen plus, so it’ll be a challenge for him, but it’s a kit that makes a golden retriever puppy that looks exactly like Zelda, and Finn’s thrilled with it.

Alex has bought Mum a pair of earrings that are the shape of Pohutukawa flowers, which she adores and announces she’s going to wear today.

I open my present, a little nervous. It feels like clothing. Oh jeez, is it sexy underwear or something? Should I open it in front of Finn?

I take off the wrapping to reveal a T-shirt with a slogan. Lips curving, I lift it up and read it. It says ‘On the naughty list and I regret nothing.’ I laugh and show Mum and Finn, and they both chuckle.

“He understands you well,” Mum teases, and I smile.

I retrieve a tray from the kitchen and set Finn up on the sofa so he can start his LEGO. Then Mum and I start collecting the discarded paper, doing our best to fold it for recycling.

“What’s Mike up to today?” I ask. “Seeing family?”

But she says, “No, actually. He’s having a quiet day on his own, then he’s heading to the North Island on Boxing Day to spend some time with his kids.”

“He’s on his own?” I give her a startled look. “Oh Mum. Why didn’t you invite him around?”

She looks embarrassed. “It didn’t seem right on Christmas Day. It should be spent with family.”

“Aw. Mum, call him and tell him to come.”

She hesitates. “He did say he’s only having a microwave meal for lunch.”

“Oh God! Ring him, now!”

She laughs, flushing. “As long as you’re sure.”

“I’d love to meet him, and I’m sure Finn would too.” He looks up and nods.

“Okay,” she says, and she picks up her phone and goes outside. Within a minute, she’s back, smiling. “He said yes. I said to come around at one p.m., is that okay?”

“Of course! Let’s get going!”

The next few hours are busy as we prepare the Christmas dinner, tidy the house, then shower and change. Mum’s nervous, which I think is sweet. I don’t know how far their relationship has progressed. As far as I know, they’ve only met for coffee a few times outside of work.

I feel strange meeting him, although I wouldn’t say that to her. I think of my dad, who loved Christmas. Is he somewhere watching over us, wondering what on earth we’re doing inviting another man into the house at this time of year? And that makes me think about Lee, and whether he’s doing the same. If there is an afterlife, I presume he’s watching over his son. He wasn’t a great father, but I’m sure he loved Finn, although he was a tough love kind of father, and he didn’t show affection the same way Alex does to Finn. Odd, that.

I get the turkey out of the oven to rest it and slide the trays of potatoes, roasted vegetables, and chipolatas wrapped in bacon into the oven. I’m just getting the placemats out when my phone buzzes, announcing a text. I take it out, see Alex’s name, and smile.

Alex:Miss you emoji

Me:Aw. Miss you too! Thank you for your present. I’m wearing it now emoji

Alex:Glad you like it. Seemed appropriate. And thank you for your gift. I love it.

I painted a picture of Zelda for him—just a small canvas, but I was quite pleased with the likeness.

Me:Oh I’m so glad you liked it!
