Page 50 of Three-Night Stand

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After losing my shit on Matthew and having to be dragged away, we hadn’t been able to find Layla. Searching the parking lot and arena had been useless. We knew Nick was with her, but we didn’t know where they were or why she’d left. I thought she’d believed us about everything in the end.

Xavier looked like shit after pacing the parking lot all night. None of us had slept at all. “Where the fuck is he and why did it take him this long to reach out?”

Jason handed the phone to Xavier and then left the bus. I didn’t like that. It was like he didn’t want to be around for the bad news. My stomach dropped through the floor even as Xavier swore and sank heavily onto the couch.

Jones had been on a call but he hung up when he saw Xavier’s face. “What?”

“They flew her home to Tennessee last night.” Xavier rubbed his hand over his mouth and then read the message. “Between getting a flight, finding a car, and doing a shit job at trying to keep Layla from losing her mind, I’m just now able to reach out and explain. Her brother was in a wreck last night. As if that wasn’t bad enough, the wreck was caused by him passing out from being so sick with cancer that he told no one about.”

My heart hammered against my chest painfully. “I’ll get us on the first flight out.”

Jones gripped his hair and stood up. “I’ll… Jesus. I’ll call Billy and tell him to cancel the shows for the next two weeks, at least. Then I’ll call Bingham and make damn sure he understands her job is safe for as long as she wants it.”

Xavier cleared his throat. “I don’t know what to do.”

“You stay in touch with Nick and get the details about where they are.” I walked over and squeezed his shoulder. I could feel him slipping back into the same scared kid who was paralyzed with fear because he’d never learned how to interact with people. “You helped get me through my mom passing, X. You just being there was what I needed.”

He blew out a shaky breath and wiped away a tear. “He’s not going to die. We didn’t have the money to pour into your mom, but we do now. If there’s a way to get him through this, I’ll find it.”

“We’ll take care of her.” I nodded. “We’ll take care of all of them. Jagger and Gran, too.”

The phone in his hand vibrated and he looked down at it before choking and swearing. “Fucking hell, Jason!”

I looked down and seeing the giant dick pic on the oversized screen startled me enough that I gasped. I was one clutched strand of pearls from being a southern lady. “What the fuck?”

Jason came back onto the bus. “Did you call me?”

Xavier thrust the phone back to him. “Just have Nick text me directly.”

Jason’s face went blood red and he quickly tapped to make the picture go away. “I’m sorry. That wasn’t supposed to happen. My boyfriend is in the navy and he-”

I patted him on the arm. “You’re good. I think I might’ve needed that jolt to kickstart my brain.”

Xavier nodded. “Congratulations.”

Jason and I looked at Xavier, confused. “Congratulations?”

“What else do you say to someone when you find out their boyfriend has a big dick? I don’t fucking know. I’m stressed out right now.” He was silent for a few seconds and then he shook his head. “Just forget I said anything.”

“I’ll have Nick text you directly.” Jason walked back to the door and stopped. “Congratulations was the best thing you could’ve said, man. Some people wouldn’t be that cool.”

Jones joined us from another phone call. “There will be a private plane fueled and ready to go at the airport in an hour. Also, did I hear you tell Jason his boyfriend has a big dick?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.” Xavier held up his phone. “I’m going to make sure Nick knows to keep us updated about everything.”

“I’ll call Bingham since you took care of the plane, J.” I grabbed my phone and headed outside.

I called Bingham’s direct line and looked across the lot just in time to see Matthew following behind Miriam, looking as pathetic as ever. It was unfortunate timing for him because he was fresh on my mind when Bingham answered.

“How’s my favorite band doing, Mack?” The older man answered the line that way every single time, no matter what time of day we called.

“Not good, sir. I have two things I need to address with you.” I flipped Matthew the bird when he looked over at me. “I’m sorry I don’t have time to catch up, but they’re both time sensitive.”

“Go on, then.”

“First, Layla Morgan had a family emergency come up last night and had to fly home. It’s serious. We’re actually pausing the tour to go after her and make sure she’s okay. Her job is safe for as long as she wants it. She’s the best damn tour manager we’ve ever had.”

He sighed. “Poor fools. I knew the moment you called about her, you were already lost. I thought you were out of your minds at first, but you’ve never gone wrong before. She is good. She’s got a hell of a right hook, too, from what I hear. She’ll give you assholes a run for your money.”
