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“After that interaction with Taylor, I don’t want to admit that I showed up when I knew Jesse wouldn’t be here in hopes of a few minutes alone with you.” He rested his head on the back of the couch and smiled. “Don’t get the impression that the guys are bragging, but we can read each other after being best friends for over four years. I know that they’ve each managed to spend more time with you than I have. I’m not tapping out, though, Olive. I’ve crushed on you for years and I’m not a quitter.”

My cheeks heated. “So, you know I’ve slept with both of them?”

He nodded. “And I don’t care. We talked about it, Olive, and the choice is always going to be yours.”

“How?” I frowned. “I slept withoneguy in high school and became the town whore. Now, I sleep with your best friends and you still want me? College can’t be that different.”

He pulled me flush against him so our middles were as tightly together as they could be while still clothed. “I’m not a highschool boy, Olive. I’m an adult. You slept with my best friends who are also really great guys and who seem to like you a lot. Not as much as me, obviously, but still. We asked you to take the time to see which one of us you wanted more.”

“And I’ve consistently said I can’t date anyone with the way my life is right now.”

“And we’ve consistently said sure, okay, and gone about our lives.” He grinned. “We’re stubborn, Olive. We’ll have hope until the very end.”

I smoothed my hands over his chest. “Everyone always thought you were better looking than Taylor. They were right. I had a hard time looking at you when I first got to the high school. I’d blush every time and I could never think of what to say to you, so I just didn’t say anything.”

“You can look at me now, though.”

“I still feel my insides buzz when I catch you looking at me. A part of me is still shy and terrified I’ll make a fool of myself.” I moved my hands up to his shoulders and leaned into him. “I don’t think you’d judge me if I did, though.”



Iforcedmyselftokeep my hands on her thighs and not move them anywhere else. I wasn’t going to push her or lead her in any way. I wanted her so bad that it physically hurt but I could wait. “I’d never judge you, Olive.”

She climbed off my lap and stood in front of me. Reaching up to her hair, she removed the clip and let the silky strands fall all around her shoulders and chest. “I wish you had been my first. You would’ve made it special.”

Olive always wore interesting dresses that did their best to hide her body. She had one for every occasion. She said it was to get ready for teaching, but I wondered if it had something to do with her past, too, if maybe she was hiding herself from the world. She was rarely in anything that showed her chest or knees so when she pushed her dress off of one shoulder while holding my gaze, I felt like the world ceased to exist outside of her living room.

She pushed the other sleeve down and didn’t stop until the top half of the dress was bunched at her waist. The plain white bra she wore was thin and her nipples peeked through, dark and hard. “You’re watching me like I’m a work of art.”

Before I could tell her that she was, she pushed the dress over her hips and let it fall to her feet. Her white panties had a damp patch that made the cotton cling to her lower lips. Her curves were mouthwatering. I wanted to bury my face in the softness of her thighs and fill my hands with every other part of her.

“I’m still a little self-conscious about my body. But it’s amazing what a few good men can do for your confidence.” She lifted a shoulder in a shrug and smiled while reaching behind her to unhook her bra. “Your eyes are seductive. Did you know that?”

A roll of thunder from outside caught her attention but I wanted it back on me. “Just a little thunderstorm, Olive. Tell me more about my seductive eyes.”

The sound of rain was loud inside the apartment as it started pouring outside. Olive tilted her head and a slow smile showed her dimple. “I love the sound of rain. Jesse isn’t afraid of storms, thankfully. I’d hate to have to redress and leave right now.”

Uneasiness spread up my spine. I hadn’t even known that was a possibility. I sat forward on the couch and gripped my hands together between my knees. “You’d see a grown man cry.”

She pressed her forearm over her chest while shrugging out of her bra. It fell to the floor with her dress and then she took a deep breath before dropping her arms to her sides. Round, full breasts with pink nipples filled my vision and I licked my lips. She was perfect.

“Bedroom eyes.” She gripped the sides of her panties. “Your eyes always look like you’re close to coming. They make me think of sitting on your lap and stroking you between us. You lean your head back and do a little exhale thing when I’m on your lap and I can see it in my head with you looking at me stroking you. They’re seductive, Andrew. I can’t look you in the eye without feeling a flutter at the bottom of my stomach.”

I was harder than I’d ever been. “Come here, Olive.”

She pushed her panties down her long legs and stepped out of her pile of clothes. Moving to stand in front of me, she dropped to her knees and gripped my thighs. “I can’t give you my first time. I can give you a different first, though.”

My blood rushed through my body so fast that I could hear it behind my ears. I swallowed and tucked a finger under her chin to lift her face. “Olive…”

She moved her face and caught my finger in her mouth. She sucked it deep and cradled it on her tongue before slowly pulling her head back and letting it pop free. “I’ve never done it, but I get the idea. And I’m a quick learner. Tell me if something’s bad. Okay?”

My brain fizzled out as I stared down at her angelic face. All I could do was nod and stand up. I held my breath while she undid my pants and worked them down to my knees. My boxers followed and then my dick sprang free, jumping up to slap my stomach. The little gasp from Olive drew a pained groan from me.

Her first touch made my knees weak. She wrapped her hand around the base of my dick and looked up at me with her green eyes dancing with desire. Seeing Olive Oakley needy for me was a sight I never wanted to forget. She smiled up at me, letting that lone dimple peek out, and then she leaned forward and delicately pressed a kiss to the head of my dick.

I didn’t blink, didn’t dare miss a thing as her tongue stole out and ran along the underside of me, from the base to the tip. I didn’t even breathe when she opened her mouth and took my head in, sucking it like it was a fucking lollipop. “Jesus Christ.”
