Page 117 of The Perfect Fit

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Her face is wet with tears. “I’m okay. They took my phone and I tried to call from Nico’s but you must have been in the air and I was going to leave a voicemail but then a call came through and then the cops were on their way and I had to get out of there—” She gasps for air.

Snarling, I brush my fingers over the purple bruise blooming across her cheek. I fucking hate that someone hurt her. She shivers, which makes me feel like an ass. I push a dark curl behind her ear and cup her beautiful face in my hands. “It’s okay. We’re here now.”

“Come here, shorty.” Xander’s voice is little more than a growl as he pulls her from my arms so he can hug her too. The distance gives me the opportunity to scan her body, and I’m relieved that she doesn’t appear to have any major injuries.

Xander finally lets her go, but Zeke stays back and just stares at her.

“Hey.” Her soft voice seems to break whatever spell he was under, and he reaches her in one long stride. Picking her up, he crushes her to his chest.

A throat clears, and we all turn to see an elegantly dressed woman with long dark hair and eyes the exact same color as Lily’s. Her icy glare sends a shiver down my spine.

Lily blushes beet red. “Guys. I’d like you to meet Ludovica Santangelo. My mom.”



Taking a seat at the huge table that dominates the room, I pull Lily onto my lap and bury my face in her hair. Ludovica eyes me suspiciously, and while I’m mindful that she’s the head of the Mafia and I currently have my hands all over her daughter, I gotta say, I don’t give the smallest sliver of a fuck.

I inhale Lily’s sweet scent and squeeze her until she giggles and squirms. “Zeke. You’re going to crush me.”

I relax my grip just a little and press my mouth to her ear. “You are going to get the spanking of your life when we get home. Mafia princess or not.”

She wraps her arms around my neck and offers me one of her sweet smiles. “I sure hope so.”

My cock jumps at the thought of punishing her and taking care of her after. Maybe I won’t even wait until we get home.

“Mr. Cavanagh, may I have a word with my daughter?” Ludovica says in a clipped tone. Of course she knows who I am. Given the fact I’m dating her daughter, I have no doubt she knows my shoe size and what color underwear I currently have on.

I stare back at her. “Go ahead. But she’s staying right here.”

“Zeke.” Lily shoots me a warning look. Acquiescing to my girl’s request and not her mother’s, I allow her to climb off my lap. She sits in the chair next to mine and directs her attention at her mom. “You can say anything you have to say in front of Zeke, West, and Xander. I trust them.”

Xander and West sit on either side of Lily and me, and Ludovica eyes us all before finally taking a seat. A tall man with a neat gray beard stands guard behind her. Tossing her long hair over her shoulder, she fixes Lily with a hard stare. They might have the same bright green eyes and dark curls, but where this woman has ice in her veins, my girl has straight fire.

“Tell me. What now, Liliana? Carmine is gone, and Nico will take his place as the new head of the family. But you are the rightful heir to the true fortune, the Constantine hotels and casinos.” She arches one perfectly sculpted eyebrow. “A simple DNA test will prove it.”

Lily leans back in her chair. “I’m going home. To New York.”

Her mother frowns, and an inscrutable emotion flashes in her eyes. “You don’t want any claim over your father’s legacy?”

“Nico is the rightful heir because he’s the best man for the job. Even if not by birth, he’s my brother in every other sense of the word. I’ll have some papers drawn up renouncing my claim on everything related to Constantine Holdings. And I’m sure he’ll have a fairer and more tolerant reign than his father ever did.Myfather’s legacy isn’t the money he made or the casinos and hotels he built. Those things are tainted with the blood of all the people Carmine killed to get his hands on them. My father’s legacy is sitting right here in front of you.” Her back straightens and she tilts her chin up. “And I am going to change the world.”

Fuck yeah you are, buttercup.

Ludovica’s eyes crinkle at the corners, and her lips curl into the faintest hint of a smile. Maybe the woman is human, after all. “Then I look forward to watching that happen, Liliana. Or is it Lily now? Lily Sloane.” The name rolls off her tongue like she’s testing it to see how it tastes.

Lily hesitates, but when she speaks, her tone is totally confident. “Liliana is fine. I told you it was time to show the world who I truly am.”

I look over at West and Xander. They look as confused as I feel, but we keep our mouths shut and continue to watch this scene unfold.

“Liliana Constantine is back from the dead then?” Ludovica asks.

“She is. A lot of good can be done with a name as powerful as mine. And like I said, my father’s legacy will be greater than the things he built.”

Ludovica’s lips twitch. “And your mother?”

Lily fixes her eyes on the woman who birthed her and lets out a breath. “I’m sure she’ll continue to watch from the sidelines like she always has.”
