Page 36 of The Perfect Fit

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I wrap my arms around him, clawing at his skin while he fucks me so hard that the bed shakes.

“Lube, buddy?” West says somewhere in the background, and I glance at Zeke in time to see him toss a small bottle toward the bed.

West positions himself behind Xander and weaves his fingers in Xander’s thick hair. With a rough yank, he jerks his head back, and Xander winces. Wetness pools in my core as I watch them together, and when West sinks his teeth into the soft skin at the base of Xander’s throat, his cock spasms inside me and excitement shudders through my entire body.

West growls. “Are you ready for me, boy?”

Xander hisses out a breath. Then his eyes lock on mine. “Are you ready, shorty?”

Breathless, I nod.

West’s thick arms snake around Xander’s torso and he sinks inside him, resulting in the impossible, pushing Xander even deeper into me than he already was. His eyes roll back and West pushes him forward, sandwiching him between the two of us.

West nails Xander while he rails into me, and the sheer intensity makes me dizzy. The pressure of the two of them driving into me pushes me up the bed and makes my breath stall in my lungs. My eyes flutter closed.

Fingers caress my throat, and I open my eyes to find Zeke lying beside us. “Breathe, buttercup.” I nod, sucking in air. “You’re doing so well taking them both.”

His praise spreads heat through me like wildfire. Xander grunts loudly.

“You take my cock so fucking well, Fitch,” West groans.

Xander increases the pace of his thrusts, causing West to do the same. I’m losing my mind from the waves of euphoric pleasure that crash over me.

Xander’s mouth is on my neck, sucking and licking and biting. “You close, shorty?”


“Your pussy is gripping my cock like you’ll never let me go.”

I rake my nails over his shoulder blades. “I won’t,” I cry out as my climax takes hold, tearing through my body until my head is spinning and tears are running down my face.

“Holy fucking shit,” Xander groans, driving his hips harder as he loses himself too.

West doesn’t let up though. He picks up his pace while he watches me over Xander’s shoulder, his stormy gaze holding mine. Xander shuffles like he’s about to slide out of me, but West drives into him harder and lets out a throaty growl. “You’re gonna stay inside her while I come.”

I sink my teeth into my lip and try to focus on West’s face, but I can’t. Another orgasm is already stirring deep in my center. Xander’s still hard, and now West is using brute strength to fuck us both into oblivion. My back bows as my third climax takes hold, pulsing through my body like a million tiny explosions. Then Xander bites into my neck, and stars flicker behind my eyelids.

“Jesus fuck,” West shouts, his hips stuttering to a halt. He rests his forehead on Xander’s back, keeping his weight on his hands so he doesn’t crush us both.

Xander chuckles, his breath fanning my chest. “Fuck, that was hot.”

West lifts his head and gives me a soft kiss on the lips. “You did good, princess.”

Xander smiles against my neck. “So good.”

My heart finally slows, and my eyelids flutter shut. I’m vaguely aware of West moving before Xander slides out of me. A soft groan of protest pours out of me, but then he lies beside me and slides an arm over my hip. Splaying his hand flat on my stomach, he pulls me closer until our bodies are flush.

A dreamy sigh tumbles from my lips, and I reopen my eyes to find West beside me too, lying flat on his stomach with his head turned my way. I smile at him.

“How are you so fucking perfect, Lily?” West’s frown does nothing to take away from his handsome face. Before I can answer, Zeke crawls over him, peppering kisses along his spine. West’s eyes roll back and mine widen with fascination. I’ve witnessed how hot Zeke and West are for each other, but they’re both tops, so I’m eager to see where this is going. They’ve never done more than kiss in front of me.

Zeke lies flat on top of him, his heavy weight pressing West’s huge frame into the mattress. He dusts his lips against West’s ear, catching his lobe between his teeth and tugging gently, like a playful puppy. Or maybe a lion cub.

“Will you bottom for me?” Zeke asks in his low, throaty growl as he grinds his hips against West’s ass. Dear mother of god, this is so freaking hot. Hot enough to rouse me from my post-orgasm haze.

West’s mouth falls open on a groan, but he doesn’t answer.

“Come on, West. It’s been so fucking long since you let me fuck you.”
