Page 47 of The Perfect Fit

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I scurry out of his office, unable to keep the mile-wide smile from my face, but it falters when I run into Handsy Andy,Genevieve’s PR man, in the hallway.

His upper lip curls into a sneer. “Hey, Lily.”

“Hey,” I reply breezily as I press the call button for the elevator.

Standing too close for comfort, he leans down, and a shudder runs down my spine. “You know, we never did get that drink you promised me.”

I take a deep breath and remind myself that there are plenty of people milling around. I’m perfectly safe. “I never promised you a drink, Andy.” I told him I’d think about it when he had me cornered at an office party last Christmas.

Fury radiates from him. “You too good for me now that you’re fucking West Archer?”

“Fuck you.” I step into the elevator that arrived right on time and leave Andy seething. Just before the doors close all the way, I flip him the bird and promptly forget all about him.

I’m going to be in the August edition ofGenevievemagazine, I have three insanely hot boyfriends that I get to go home to tonight, and most exciting of all, I’m about to see Nico.

* * *

My knees tremblewhen I step inside the lobby of Excelsior, and I pull my beanie hat down further and glance around. The lobby is empty except for an elderly couple drinking coffee and a young woman feeding a baby.

Pressing a hand on my stomach to quell my nerves, I raise my hand to knock on the door of room 925. Nico would never betray me, but what ifhefound out about us?

Willing him to hurry up and open the goddamn door, I glance down the corridor. Finally the door opens, and his familiar face creases with a huge smile. Pulling me into the room, he wraps me in a giant bear hug, nearly squeezing the life from me in the process, but I hug him back just as fiercely. All the memories we’ve shared flood to the surface, and I cling to him, tears streaming down my face. I convinced myself I could hold it together, but it’s been over two years since we last saw each other, and seeing him now only makes his absence in my life all that much more acute.

“Hey, Lily Pad,” he says, his tone gentle as he brushes the moisture from my cheeks with his thumbs. “Don’t cry.”

“I-I miss you so much.”

“I know.” He hugs me again, this time even tighter. “I miss you too. It’s fucking awful back home without you.”

“I’m s-so s-sorry I left you.”

He pulls back and looks down at me, his dark brown eyes full of sorrow. “Don’t be sorry, Lily Pad. I’m glad you got out. I’m glad…” His Adam’s apple bobs harshly.

I wipe my cheeks and focus on the fact that he’s here right now. “Why are you even in New York?”

“Pop has asked me to oversee some business. I’ll be here once a month, which means I get to see you.”

“You will?” Equal parts of joy and anxiety wrestle in my stomach, and I swallow down a wave of nausea. “Do you think he knows?”

“He has no idea, I swear. If he did, he’d have a fucking army scouring this country looking for you.”

He’s got a point. “I wish I was strong like you.”

“Hey,” he admonishes me. “It’s different for me, and we both know it. That was no life for you. What he was expecting you to do.” His hands clench into fists. “I would never have fucking allowed it, sis.Never.”

My lips curve, not quite a smile but an acknowledgment.

He looks me over from head-to-toe one last time, like he’s assuring himself that I really am here, then holds up one finger and goes into the kitchen. When he comes back, he’s holding two mugs of coffee. He gestures toward the comfy sofas and we both take a seat. “So tell me all about your life here in New York.”

“It’s good. Great, actually. I’m still a messenger, but I’m working on a story for a magazine. They’re publishing it next month.”

“They are?” His face lights up with pride.

“Yeah.” I look down and pluck a stray piece of lint from the sofa cushion. “It’s something I’m really proud of. I’ll let you know when it’s out so you can read it.”

“I’m so fucking proud of you. You were always destined to be amazing.”

“Was not,” I say with a blush. He’s the amazing one. I’m just a coward who ran away from all my problems.
