Page 45 of Almost Yours

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That had been hours ago. Gavin held onto the address while he and Spencer helped Bronte unload the dogs and settle them into the big cage so they could all be together. Bronte was rattled, but when he asked her about it, she refused to acknowledge the question. Spencer also seemed pretty shaken up, so Gavin figured that he would deal with one thing at a time.

First on his list was talking to Ginny. Or at leastattemptingto talk to her. He had no guarantee that he wouldn’t fuck up. Because around her, Gavin turned into an idiot. Bronte insisted that everyone leave, so Gavin sent Cedar home with Spencer while he hopped into his truck and drove to Ginny’s house. The gorgeous contemporary home stared at him as he parked on the street. The little touches screamed Ginny, which made him smile. It took him thirty minutes after parking his truck to actually get out and walk up to her front door.

Within minutes of ringing the bell, the door swung open to reveal Ginny. “What are you doing here?”

Gavin started to speak and then shook his head, because everything he had to say sounded so stupid. Hewassorry for kissing her, but he didn’t regret it. Not even for a minute. But apologizing for it felt weird.

“What…what’s wrong?” she asked, expression melting into concern. “Is Spencer okay?”

“What? Yeah, he’s fine.” Gavin held his hands up, suddenly regretting not planning what he was going to say before he showed up. “I wanted to talk about what happened earlier today.”

Ginny crossed her arms over her chest and because she was still wearingthat dress, her breasts drew his attention. Gavin sighed and looked away from her, focusing on the wall beside her. “I don’t regret kissing you,” he started, seeing her body shift from the corner of his eyes. “When I’m around you, I lose all control. It’s so easy to get angry with you foreverythingand that’s how I’ve felt these past few weeks. But seeing you again also makes me ache for you. I wanted to know if you tasted the same as you did back then, if your body feels the same way pressed against mine. If you still make the same sounds when you’re fucking me.”

She gasped and Gavin nodded when he glanced at her. Because that’s all he’d been thinking of. He enjoyed the choking way too much to not want it again, but he also wanted to know what it felt like to have her lush mouth wrapped around his dick.

“What’s the verdict, do I taste the same?” Ginny asked, voice husky and rough.

His dick hardened at the words, at the lust pooling in her eyes as she stared at him. “You tastebetter. And that makes me angry too.”

Licking her lips, Ginny nodded slowly and then stepped backwards. “I guess we better find answers for your other queries.”

“Just this once—” he took a step forward and then changed his mind “—get it all out of our systems and maybe it won’t always be so fucking tense when we’re around each other.”

Ginny rolled her eyes, but she smiled. “Whatever you say, Little Rhodes.”

Even though he kept repeating the wordsthis is a terrible ideato himself, Gavin stepped into Ginny’s house and closed the door behind him. The low lights showed him a staircase and an open space with a large sectional, fireplace and more comfortable seating than he thought was necessary. He’d barely looked at the rest of the room before his back was crashing into the front door and Ginny’s mouth was on his. He’d always liked that she was tall enough to kiss him, that neither of them had to bend or twist their bodies in uncomfortable ways to get what they wanted.

Unlike the kiss at the shelter, this one was rougher—like they were really taking their frustrations out on each other. Ginny’s hand returned to wrap around his throat while he gripped her jaw. His other hand slid down to her ass, pulling her hips flush against his—let herfeeljust how hard she made him and how frustrated he was with how things were turning out between them. She wasn’t supposed to appear everywhere he went, shoving her perfection in his face. The more he saw her, the more he wanted to fight with her.

And fuck her.

Ginny released a low groan as his teeth skated across her bottom lip and when her mouth parted, he swept his tongue inside, his grip on her jaw tightening. She tasted like heaven and sin all rolled in one and he couldn’t get enough. He wanted to devour her, slide his cock into her mouth and watch her choke on it, paint the back of her throat and mark her up. Ruin her for everyone else.

Instead, Ginny was going to be ruininghim. And he was going to let her.

The pressure around his throat vanished as their tongues and teeth clashed, mouths moving until they fit together perfectly. Ginny sucked on his tongue and Gavin moaned, pulling away to return the favor by sucking and nibbling on her bottom lip. He felt her hands shoving at his jacket and Gavin helped her by sliding it off and to the floor. His grip on her jaw softened, angling her head the way he wanted as he plunged his tongue inside her mouth. Her fingers found purchase in his hair for a brief moment while Gavin dropped his hands to get her dress off.

Gavin pushed the dress off her shoulders, earning an approving hum in response. Her hands slid under his t-shirt, so Gavin lifted his arms to help her get it off. With the kiss broken and his eyes open, Gavin watched as Ginny’s bewitching body was exposed to him. He drank in the tattoos on her shoulders and biceps, his fingers traced the lines while his eyes dropped to the rest of her body. Her full breasts were encased in a lace bra, her soft stomach was accentuated by her delicious curves; and as her dress dropped to the floor, her thick and supple thighs came into view.

“Look at you,” he mumbled when their eyes met, his hands itching to touch every inch of her. Even when she was frustrated with him, even when they were desperate to make this just about sex, she was the most enticing woman he’d ever laid eyes on.

Choosing not to get lost in her light brown eyes, Gavin crashed his mouth into Ginny’s as her hands landed on his chest. His arms snaked around her back to unhook her bra and Ginny’s fingers dragged down his stomach to undo his belt. This time he kissed her slowly, his tongue exploring her mouth as hers chased his. Moans and rumbles echoed between them as she finally got his jeans undone. Pulling his hands away from the small of her back, Gavin helped Ginny push his jeans off, but he stopped her before she could reach for his boxers.

“Not yet,” he muttered against her mouth, his hands on her hips to guide her backwards to the sectional in her living room. Ginny’s hands brushed up his arms to grip his shoulders as he pressed her against the back of the couch. Breaking the kiss, he breathed heavily as he searched her eyes.

Glazed and darker than usual, the brown shade drew him in. He knew this was a bad idea, but every molecule in his body craved her. It had been twelve years since he’d kissed someone with that much passion and desire.

Digging his fingers into her hips, Gavin spun Ginny around and then slid a hand up her back to bend her over the couch. She gasped, he smiled, rocking forward to press his erection against her ass. With one foot, he nudged her legs apart and rubbed himself against her, eager to know if he could still make her hoarse with all the screaming when he was buried inside her. Two thin layers of cloth separated them and with a slight nudge, he could take her like that.

But first…

“Hold onto something,” was the only warning he gave her as he dropped to his knees, tugged her thong to the side and swiped his tongue over her pussy.

Ginny moaned loudly, thighs quivering as he did it again. He held her steady with the other one, his tongue sliding through her slit, tasting her as she dripped onto his tongue. Gavin sighed softly, loving that she was so wet and ready for him. Ginny made unidentifiable noises as he licked and sucked on her, his tongue taking its time to memorize all of the parts of her that he hadn’t touched and tasted for years.

Letting the thong snap back into place, Gavin twisted his finger in the thin strap at the back and then slowly moved the material back and forth. Ginny gasped at the friction against her clit and he smiled, leaning in to lick her again, this time through the material of her underwear. His tongue moved in tandem with the way he used her thong, swirling up every drop that he could reach. One of her hands reached back to push into his hair and Gavin’s eyes slipped shut at the force with which she gripped and tugged. He pressed his face deeper between her thighs and sucked on her pussy lips, the sound of Ginny screaming echoing between them.
