Page 56 of Almost Yours

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“It wasn’t that bad, was it?” Gavin’s brows furrowed. “Spending time with me, I mean.”

Ginny sighed, tracing one of the flowers on her skirt. “Gavin, you and I were on the verge of constantly wanting to kill each other.”

“I never wanted to kill you.”

“Well,Iwanted to punch you a few times.”

Gavin chuckled and leaned back, arms crossed over his chest. “Towards the end it looked like you wanted to punch me with your mouth.”

“Pot, meet kettle.” She rolled her eyes, snorting as she shifted in her seat.

“I’ve always wanted to do things to you with my mouth. That hasn’t changed.”

A tingle of lust ran up her spine and Ginny’s lips parted as she watched Gavin. He’d already demonstrated all the things hecoulddo with his mouth. More than half of her orgasms that night were because of his talented mouth. But that was the problem, right? They were brushing everything under the rug and covering it up with explosive sex. Ginny should have known that ‘getting it out of their systems’ was never going to work, but she’d given in because she wanted to see how it would feel. It had been so fucking good.

Ugh, do not get swept away by this man’s bedroom eyes and charming smile.

He started to speak, but Ginny shook her head, leaning forward to look him straight in the eyes. “We need to seriously talk about all of this, Gavin. As much as I enjoy reliving all the fantastic things we have and can continue to do to each other, we can’t go down that road until we acknowledgeeverythingelse.”

Gavin winced at her usage of the word and she was glad, because she’d done that on purpose. “It’s not that complicated, Nia. Shit, sorry. Ginny.”

Her heart did that somersault and tripping thing at the usage of her old nickname. Before she could stop herself, the words came out of her mouth. “Say it again.”

“Say what?” Gavin frowned, leaning forward as well.

“Call me Nia.”

His eyes widened and he stared at her a long moment, almost like he was waiting for her permission. The nickname Cyrus gave her when she thought he was the greatest human in the world was also the one that Gavin whispered reverently when they were together all those summers ago. She’d given the name up because of the attachments it had to some of the most complicated times in her life. But the minute he saidNia, the sneaking around and late night make-out sessions came flooding back.

“Nia,” he whispered, making her core throb at the memories. She blinked and slumped back in her chair as Gavin kept speaking. “This thing between us doesn’t have to be that complicated. We can just let the past be the past and move forward.”

It sounded so easy when he said it that way, but Ginny knew that it was way more than that. Itwascomplicated. Blowing out a shaky breath, she reached up to untie her hair. They would talk about it later, because she needed to be sure they were on the same page.

Because more than anything, shedidwant to move forward. With Gavin.

The sound of nails on the wooden floor snapped them both to attention and Ginny smiled when Cedar walked into her office, making a beeline for Gavin.

“I apologize for the distraction she’s causing in the office today.” Gavin chuckled, kissing and ruffle Cedar’s fur.

After a few more scrubs from Gavin, Cedar abandoned him to come around the table and dropped her head onto Ginny’s lap. “Hi, pretty girl,” she mumbled and the white and brown snout pressed into her stomach. Laughing softly, Ginny dragged her short nails through Cedar’s fur and pressed her lips to the top of the dog’s head.

She heard Gavin clear his throat and pulled back to look at him. “What?”

“I should be used to her stealing the attention of everyone, but it still makes me jealous.”

“If you were as beautiful, you’d get all the attention too.” Ginny cooed and made baby noises at the dog, which made her scoot even closer, almost climbing into her lap.

“Have dinner with me.” She looked at him curiously, trying to figure out what game he was playing. Gavin just nodded and said, “Cedar and I were going to Mama Renata’s, we’d love to have you join us.”

“Cedar eats Mexican food?”

“She eats Mama Renata’s food.” At the repeated mention of the Mexican food truck Ginny had heard of, Cedar moved back to Gavin, body vibrating with excitement. “You wanna see Mama Renata, girl?” She barked softly, nudging Gavin’s hand with her snout.

“That’s a cruel trick. I bet you do that with all the girls.”

Gavin shook his head, soft smile curving his lips. “I don’t introduce Cedar to justanybody.”

Ginny wasn’t sure why that statement made her warm all over, but she liked the way it felt. Standing up, she checked the time and realized that if she didn’t leave now, she would stay at work until the wee hours of the morning. Which would then earn her an earful from Frankie. Besides, Gavin had come all the way to see her and the thought of spending the evening with him wasveryappealing.
