Page 7 of Fox

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“That might happen sooner than later because we have a situation with Cordell.”


I gave Nic a brief overview of the shit we’d been dealing with, and he cursed.

“Why the fuck are you just now telling me this?” He sounded exasperated rather than angry.

“You’re the client, Nic,” I drawled sarcastically. “It’s my job to meet your needs, not the other way around.”

“Cazzata. This has been a mutual relationship for a long fucking time, and we’ve been friends even longer. You should have told me when it first started.”

“I figured we’d make it work, but he’s made an enemy of my VP, and I can’t say my gun wouldn’t find its way into his mouth if I ever see him again. Since I don’t want to kill your relative—”

Nic scoffed, and my mouth curved in amusement. The Mafia called themselves a “family,” and although they also understood that not all true loyalty is born from blood, it still meant more to them than it did in an MC. Cordell was a cousin several levels removed, so he was barely family to Nic.

“I’ll handle thedeficiente,” he muttered.

“Thanks. As soon as you pick his replacement, send the details to Maverick. I’ll be unavailable for the next few days.”

“No more proxies. I’ll go back to working with you personally.”


“Your arguments will fall on deaf ears, Kye. So don’t waste your breath. Tell your father I said hi. I’ll reach out to Maverick and set up a call with him, Enzo, and the both of us, next week.”

“Fine.” I wasn’t going to spend time trying to talk him out of anything when I had the sexiest woman I’d ever seen naked and wet in the next room.

“Also, I apologize for the behavior of my cousin, Kye. He’ll be dealt with and instructed to cut all contact with your organization.”

“Appreciated. Tell Anna I’ll talk to my dad about a visit. Airplanes also fly from New York to Tennessee,” I added.

Nic laughed. “But I don’t require you to be blindfolded when you come to my home.”

I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see it. “I did thatonce. Just to fuck with you.”

“True. But that doesn’t mean I’ll ever let it go.”

“How about you throw me in the trunk for a ride from the airport to your house next time I’m in New York. That’s more your style, right?”


“Gotta go,” I told him, having run out of patience.

“We’ll talk soon, Kye.”

After hanging up, I left the phone on the kitchen table and made my way to the bedroom. A smile split my face when I heard the shower still running. I was mostly dried off, and since my body ran at a higher temperature than hers, I hadn’t been as bothered by the chill of my wet clothes in the air-conditioning.

However, Dahlia didn’t know that. For all she knew, I was about to catch pneumonia. That was why I needed to join her in the shower—or at least that’s what I would tell her.



Lingering in the shower had paid off. I was just thinking about stepping out when the bathroom door opened and Fox came in. I stared at him through the foggy glass as he stripped out of his clothes, my breath catching in my throat when I spotted his long, thick dick. It was rock hard, and there was a bead of precome on the tip. I licked my lips, wondering what it tasted like while my breath caught in my throat.

His dark gaze met mine when he slid the shower door open. “You got room in there for me? Conserve some water?”

“Uh-huh.” I giggled, finding his excuse hilarious since there was a downpour outside. “I…um…ah, just finished.”
