Page 88 of Scarred Prince

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I kiss her little cheeks. I can tell there's something she wants to tell me, but she might be too afraid to do it. Call it a mother's intuition, but she’s not telling me something. “Anya, honey, can you tell me what you’re thinking?”

“Promise not to be mad?”

“Of course, I promise. You can tell me anything.”

She's quiet for a moment, her eyes suddenly distant like she's searching for the right words. It's the same look Leo gives me when he's deep in thought about something.

“I don't think I want to do ballet anymore,” she confesses, averting her gaze. “But I know you love ballet. I don't want to make you sad if I quit.”

I hug my daughter even tighter and giggle. “Oh, honey, that's totally okay!”


“I'm not going to make you do something you don't enjoy. That takes the fun out of it. If you want to dance, then you should dance. It'd be cool to get to do it together, but that doesn't mean you have to. I'll still love you to the moon and back either way.”

Anya cracks a small smile. “I love you, too, Mommy.”

“Where’smyhug?” a deep voice reverberates through the dance studio.

Anya and I turn to see Leo entering the building. He tucks his sunglasses away in his pocket and smiles, opening his arms just in time to catch our daughter as she jumps toward him.

“Daddy!” she exclaims. “I’m quitting ballet!”

Leo glances at me. “Oh?”

Anya puffs her chest out with pride. “I want to be an accountant like you!”

He kisses her forehead. “Color me flattered, duckling.”

“I like math more than dancing.”

“Does this mean I don’t get to see your dance recital?”

My daughter looks at me. “Can we do my dance just for Daddy?”

“I think that's a great idea, honey.”

Leo ruffles our daughter's hair. “I get an exclusive show from two professional ballerinas? I guess today is my lucky day.”

“Go sit, Daddy, go sit!”

He takes a seat in the front row just off to the side while I get busy resetting the music. It’s an easy piece set to the music ofTwinkle Twinkle Little Star. I choreographed it myself, taking into account my student’s shorter legs and need for more balance.

I take my spot beside Anya, and we move together in time with the melody. I think it’s adorable how serious Anya looks, her lips pressed into a thin line as she concentrates on remembering what move comes next. Her movements are a little clumsy, but I think it’s the cutest thing in the world.

When the music comes to an end, we take our bows. Leo applauds and cheers, the sound filling the space with ease.

“Beautiful!” he says, stepping down to scoop both of us up. He kisses Anya’s cheeks. “That was wonderful. Truly magnificent.”

Anya giggles. “Daddy, stop! That tickles!”

He sets her down. “Go grab your things, duckling. I’m taking you and your mother out to dinner.”

“Can we get ice cream?”

“Is water wet?”

Anya skips off excitedly. I’m about to go grab my things, as well, but Leo’s arm remains firmly circled around my waist. He dips me back and kisses me hard, peering deeply and lovingly into my eyes.
