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“Hey, I’m okay,” he reassured her, brushing debris from his clothes. “Thanks to you.”

“Your trust means even more to me now,” Layla whispered, her eyes brimming with tears of relief. “You believed in my vision and it saved your life.”

“Of course I trust you, Layla,” Jake said, pulling her into a tight embrace. “We’re in this together, remember?”

As they held each other amidst the chaos of the fire station, their bond grew stronger still, fortified by the unshakable faith they had in one another.

Back in his truck, he looked at her for a moment, trying to see how what had just happened had affected her. “Are you all right?”

She nodded. “Adrenaline is pumping through me, but I feel good. I’m so glad you listened to me and you’re all right.”

“I wonder if it would have happened if we hadn’t come here following your vision,” he mused. “I wouldn’t have been back here until Sunday, and it may have happened to someone else or never happened. Do you ever think of things that way?”

She shook her head. “I have to trust in my visions to happen whether I’m there or not.”

“I can understand that. The girl in the apartment sure would have died without us there to save her. Do you think the ghost had something to do with what happened to her?”

Layla nodded. “With everything inside me, I believe that.”

“Then I believe it too,” he said.

She smiled at him. “Thank you for believing in me and in my power. I know it has to be hard at times to believe something that you can’t see, hear, feel, smell, or taste.”

“It is, but it’s easy to believe in you, who I enjoy seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, and tasting.” His mouth dropped to hers, and they kissed. “I don’t know why I feel so much for you, but I can’t seem to stop myself.”

“I don’t want you to stop yourself,” she whispered. “I wish we had a little more time today, but I really should get back. They like me to be at the station by four-thirty.”

Jake nodded. “All right. But I’m claiming a Saturday night date with you. You don’t get to argue either.”

She laughed. “Why would I argue about spending time with you? I would have to be crazier than you thought I was when you met me!”

“I have to admit, I really did think you were crazy.”

She reached out for his hand resting on the seat as he drove out of Popsville. “That’s all right. You can think I’m crazy all you want. As long as you keep kissing me.”

“That’s a deal!”
