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“It was,” he admitted, burying his face in her shoulder. “And every time I think about Charles and Clarissa, I can’t help but see that poor woman’s face. I’ve tried to put it behind me, but it never goes away.”

“Sometimes, the only way to heal is to confront our demons,” Layla murmured, stroking his back soothingly. “And maybe by helping these lost souls, we can find some peace of our own.”

The flickering candlelight illuminated the intimate dining room, casting shadows that danced on the walls. Soft music played in the background as Jake and Layla shared a delicious dinner, their conversation flowing easily. With each passing minute, Layla found herself drawn in deeper by Jake’s magnetic presence.

“Tell me something about you that I don’t know,” Jake asked, his piercing gaze never leaving hers. He leaned forward on his elbows, clearly interested in her response.

Layla paused, considering the question as she took a sip of her wine. “Well, when I was younger, I wanted to be an artist,” she admitted with a soft laugh. “I used to spend hours drawing and painting, but once my visions started taking over my life, I had to give it up.”

“Wow,” Jake said, genuinely impressed. “You must be really talented. Maybe one day, you can show me some of your work?”

“Maybe,” she agreed, feeling a warmth spreading through her chest at his interest. “What about you? Any hidden talents I should know about?”

“Besides being a firefighter?” Jake grinned, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “Well, I’m not sure if this counts as a talent, but I’ve always been able to sense when someone needs help. It’s like a gut instinct that tells me I need to step in.”

“That’s incredible,” Layla murmured, touched by his admission. “It must be why you’re so good at what you do.”

“Thanks,” he replied, his cheeks flushing slightly under her praise. “Enough about me, though. I want to hear more about you and your gift. How do you cope with it all?”

Layla hesitated, her mind racing as she tried to put her thoughts into words. “It’s not easy, especially when the visions are painful or disturbing. But over time, I’ve learned to accept it as a part of who I am. It’s helped me find my purpose in life, and for that, I’m grateful.”

“Your strength is truly inspiring,” Jake said sincerely, his hand reaching across the table to cover hers. “I’m honored to be a part of your journey, Layla.”

“Thank you,” she whispered, her pulse quickening at his touch. “And I can’t wait to see what we’ll accomplish together.”

As they finished their meal, the anticipation between them grew, electric and undeniable. They shared one last lingering look before Jake led her back to the dance floor, the music still playing softly in the background.

“May I have this dance?” he asked, offering her his hand with a playful bow.

“Of course,” Layla replied, taking his hand and allowing him to pull her close. They swayed gently to the music, their bodies pressed together as if they were two halves of a whole. In that moment, the world seemed to shrink down to just the two of them, their connection stronger than ever.

“Jake,” Layla murmured, her voice barely audible over the music. “I think I’m falling for you.”

“Good,” he responded, his lips brushing against her ear. “Because I’m falling for you too.”

As the song came to an end, Jake leaned down and captured her lips in a passionate kiss that left them both breathless. The intensity of their feelings threatened to overwhelm them, but neither wanted to pull away.

“Let’s continue this somewhere more private,” Jake suggested, his eyes dark with desire.

“Lead the way,” Layla whispered, more than ready to follow him anywhere.

Holding her hand, he led her out to his truck, and they both climbed in.. “I don’t want this case to consume us completely.”

“Agreed,” Layla smiled, feeling lighter than she had in days.

Minutes later, they found themselves outside Jake’s house. As they stepped inside, she couldn’t help but notice how warm and inviting Jake’s home was.

“Make yourself comfortable,” he offered, gesturing toward the cozy living room. “I’ll grab us some drinks.”

“Thanks,” Layla replied, sinking into the plush couch as he disappeared into the kitchen. She looked around, admiring the framed photos that adorned the walls —snapshots of a life filled with love and laughter.

“Here you go,” Jake said, reappearing with two glasses of wine. He handed one to her and settled down beside her, their bodies pressed close together. “To finding peace, both in this world and the next.”

“Cheers,” Layla agreed, clinking her glass against his before taking a sip. The wine was velvety smooth, its warmth spreading through her as Jake slipped an arm around her shoulders.

“Much better than chasing ghosts, huh?” he remarked with a grin, causing her to chuckle.

“Definitely,” she agreed, leaning into his embrace. Their eyes locked, and for a moment, the rest of the world seemed to fade away.
