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“I’m afraid the answer to that question would just be depressing,” Fiona responded. “Let’s head there after lunch.”

The wind blew gently from the north, and Layla shivered involuntarily. It was a sunny, clear day, yet her visions had a way of making her feel cold inside.

“Are you cold?” Jake asked, concern in his eyes as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

“No,” she replied softly, smiling at him to reassure him. “Just a bit nervous about what we might find.” Layla looked into his deep blue eyes and felt warmth spreading through her body, chasing away the chill. Together, with the others, they continued walking toward the old Harrington mansion, where the ghosts Charles and Clarissa were said to reside. The house loomed before them, its once-grand facade now crumbling under the weight of time. As they approached the front door, Layla could feel the malevolent energy radiating from within, like a sinister beacon beckoning them closer.

“Max mentioned that there might be some clues in here about how to banish the ghosts,” Layla murmured, her voice barely heard above the sound of the wind rustling through the trees.

“Then let’s see what we can find,” Jake replied resolutely, pulling open the heavy wooden door with a creak.

Inside the dusty, dimly lit foyer, Layla’s heightened senses detected faint whispers on the wind, echoes of the tragic lives lost to the twisted desires of Charles and Clarissa Harrington. Her heart ached for the victims, and she knew she couldn’t rest until their spirits were avenged.

“Look,” Jake pointed to an old portrait hanging on the wall, depicting a stern-looking man and woman who could only be Charles and Clarissa themselves. As they studied the painting, Layla noticed a small plaque beneath it, nearly obscured by layers of dust. She carefully wiped it clean and read the inscription aloud:

“Bound by love, bound by blood. Only through a union of souls can the darkness be undone.”

“What do you think it means?” Jake asked, his brow furrowed in thought.

“Maybe it’s hinting at how to banish them,” Layla speculated, her mind racing with possibilities. “A union of souls... could it mean that we need to find someone who shares a connection with the Harringtons?”

“Or perhaps it’s referring to the power of our own bond,” Jake suggested, his hand finding hers and giving it a gentle squeeze. “Our love has already accomplished so much; maybe it’s the key to defeating the ghosts as well.”

Fiona took a picture of the plaque under the painting with her phone. “I’m sure this is a clue we need to learn what to do.” She took a deep breath. “Lillian!” she called.

A long moment passed, unbroken by the group. “Lillian!” Fiona said, smiling at the ghost. “What can you tell me about the Harringtons? Mrs. Harrington is the one who killed you, right?”

Layla and the others waited patiently for Fiona to finish her conversation with the ghost.

There were a few more questions asked when Fiona shouted, “We have to get out of here. Now!”

The five of them ran from the house, not stopping until they were across the street from the house.

“What happened?” Layla asked Fiona.

Fiona put her hand over her heart, which was beating much too fast. “Lillian was telling me what she thought about what had happened. She said that somewhere in the mansion is a book about living on after death. She thinks that book may have the answers we need to defeat Charles, but then Charles popped up behind her, his hands going to strangle her, and she turned blue before my eyes.”

Max nodded. “He told us that if we didn’t go immediately, he would end us all.”

Jake shook his head. “That’s not exactly what I want to hear about a ghost we need to defeat. We’re going to have to go back in there. I wonder if it would be better if we left Max and Fiona behind because the rest of us don’t speak ghost.”

Max frowned at the thought. “I think it would be much more dangerous without us.”

“Then you’ll always be included,” Layla said softly. But I’m done with this place for today.”

“I think we all need to be. I hate that I have to worry about Fiona and her pregnancy on top of the rest of the worries.”

Fiona shook her head. “The doctor said I’m in perfect health.”

“Even so, I’m taking you home. Sorry to bail early, but I have to make sure Fiona is all right.”

Bella nodded. “I need to work on some choreography for our Christmas show at the studio. I’m out too.”

Layla hugged her friends goodbye, whispering to Fiona, “I’m so happy for you!”

Fiona smiled. “I’m happy for me too.”

Jake and Layla waved as the others left, and the two of them headed back to his house. “How are you getting all this time off?” Layla asked, worried Jake would get in trouble with his job.
