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Layla stood by the window, her fingertips brushing against the glass as she watched the wind dance with the autumn leaves. The north wind swirled around her, whispering secrets and sending shivers down her spine. Something was coming – a storm that would change everything.

“Any more visions?” Jake asked, coming up behind her and placing his strong hands on her delicate shoulders. She leaned into his embrace, seeking comfort in the warmth of his arms.

“Nothing clear,” Layla admitted, her voice heard over the howling wind. “Just whispers... pieces of a puzzle we have yet to solve.”

Chapter Eleven

The north wind blew, carrying with it whispers that only Layla could hear. She stood on the porch of Jake’s home, eyes closed as she listened to the voices swirling around her. The breeze played with her long, red hair, making it dance in the air like a flame.

“Tell me what you see, Layla,” Jake said, his voice low and steady. He stood beside her, his strong fireman’s arms folded across his broad chest. His blue eyes watched her intently, concern etching lines onto his handsome face.

“Death,” Layla whispered, opening her eyes to meet his gaze. “Someone else will die, and we’ll fail to stop it.”

“Damn it,” Jake muttered, running a hand through his short-cropped hair. “We can’t let that happen.”

“Max and Fiona are doing their best. Bella is using her powers over the moon to try and help us find the ghost,” Layla reminded him, her voice trembling slightly. “But I fear it won’t be enough.”

“Hey,” Jake said softly, lifting her chin with a gentle finger so she would look at him again. “We’ve faced impossible situations before and come out on top. This time won’t be any different. We just have to trust in each other, and in our friends.”

Layla swallowed hard, feeling a lump form in her throat at his words. “I want to believe that, Jake. But this ghost...he’s unlike anything we’ve ever encountered.”

“Let me worry about the dangers, okay?” Jake said, cupping her face in his rough hands. “Just focus on your gift. Trust that your visions will guide us to victory.”

For a moment, Layla allowed herself to believe him. To trust in the strength and determination that radiated from every inch of his muscular body. She leaned into his touch, feeling the warmth of his skin seep into her own.

“Promise me,” she whispered. “Promise me that no matter what happens, you’ll be by my side.”

“Always,” Jake promised, leaning down to press his lips against hers in a tender kiss. As their bodies pressed together, their love and passion for one another ignited like the fires that Jake fought so bravely.

In that moment, Layla allowed herself to forget the whispers on the wind and the weight of her visions. She lost herself in the arms of the man she loved, trusting that somehow, they would find a way to triumph over the darkness that threatened to consume them all.

Later, the full moon cast ghostly shadows across the old Harrington estate, its silvery light filtering through the tangled branches of ancient oak trees. Layla stood at the edge of the property, shivering in the cool night air as she gazed up at the crumbling mansion that loomed before her like a specter from the past.

“It’s so weird the house I chose was next to a haunted mansion,” Jake said, his voice low and tense as he joined her side, his strong hand coming to rest on the small of her back for reassurance.

“It feels lucky to me,” Layla replied, her breath hitching as she felt the wind change direction, blowing now from the north. She squeezed her eyes shut, bracing herself for the onslaught of visions.
