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“All right, everyone,” Fiona said, taking a deep breath to steady herself. “We’ll meet at the Harrington estate tonight, ready to face whatever awaits us. But remember, Clarissa is on our side—at least for now. Let’s give her the benefit of the doubt and see what she has to offer.”

With that, the group disbanded, each member preparing themselves for the night ahead. As they left the bookstore, their doubts still lingering like shadows in the dimly lit corners, the lure of unraveling the mysteries that plagued their town proved too enticing to resist.

Fiona’s eyes sparkled with anticipation as she bustled around the bookstore, gathering items that might be useful for their meeting with Clarissa. The air was thick with a blend of incense and old book scent, creating an atmosphere of mysticism and history. Her excitement was palpable, but so were her nerves.

“All right, everyone,” Fiona began, clapping her hands together to get the group’s attention. “I’m sure you’re all feeling a mix of curiosity and unease about tonight, just like I am. But it’s important that we keep an open mind. We can’t let our fears and preconceived notions cloud our judgment.”

As she spoke, she handed out flashlights, road flares, and even a couple of small, ornate bottles that held what she claimed to be protective herbs and oils. Bella examined the tiny bottle skeptically, while Karl pocketed his without hesitation, clearly eager to see Clarissa again despite his reservations.

“Remember, we’re going into this as a team,” Fiona continued, her warm brown eyes sweeping across the faces of her friends. “We’ll need to rely on each other and trust each other. And that includes Clarissa.”

“Easy for you to say,” muttered Jake, spinning his flashlight in one hand. “You don’t have to worry about getting blindsided by a ghost.”

“Trust me, Jake,” Fiona replied, a wry smile playing at the corners of her lips. “I’ve had my fair share of surprises from the spirit world. Just try to stay focused and remember why we’re doing this.”

Her words seemed to resonate with the group, and they exchanged solemn nods, each lost in their own thoughts about the task ahead. As they finished preparing, Fiona led them to the front door of the bookstore, pausing for a moment to take in the sight of her friends standing united, ready to face the unknown.

“All right,” she said, her voice steady and determined. “Let’s go find some answers.”

With that, they stepped out into the cool Texas evening. As they walked away from the bookstore, their doubts still lingered like a faint chill in the air, but their curiosity and determination to solve the case outweighed their reservations. Each step they took led them closer to the truth—or perhaps deeper into a web of danger and intrigue. Only time would tell which path lay before them.

Chapter Four

Max joined them asthey approached the haunted mansion. “I can’t believe we’re already doing this again,” he said, shaking his head. “But I’ll do anything to find the kidnapper and the women he’s taken.”

Fiona nodded. “Clarissa says she’ll help, and though I worry about the situation we’re going into, I think she may just be the one to help us find the kidnapper.”

Max wrapped an arm around his wife. “How are you feeling?”

“Very round,” she answered, resting her head on his shoulder for just a moment. “I’m all right. More tired than usual today, but that’s all right.”

“Are you sure today is the day for this?” he asked, narrowing his gaze protectively.

“I’m sure. Clarissa’s waiting for us.”

“That’s part of my worry! She’s been nothing but antagonistic toward us, and all of a sudden she wants to help us find kidnappers?” He shook his head. “Something is very wrong with this picture.”
