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“Sorry, I was just...” Karl trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

“Admiring the view?” Max chuckled, patting him on the back. “Can’t say I blame you. Bella’s quite the catch.”

“Speaking of catching,” Fiona chimed in, her eyes twinkling mischievously. “Did I tell you about the ghost I caught trying to steal a copy of Wuthering Heightsfrom my bookstore?”

“Seriously?” Karl asked, eyebrows raised in disbelief.

“Of course,” Fiona grinned. “I told him he could borrow it if he promised not to cause any trouble. It’s amazing what a little communication can do!”

“Maybe we should try that with our future challenges,” Karl mused aloud, his gaze drifting back to Bella.

“Communication and trust are key,” Layla said, joining their circle with Jake by her side. The wind picked up, causing her to shiver slightly. “I sense a storm coming our way.”

“Is it just the weather, or is there something more?” Karl asked, sensing the weight in her words. He was thankful Jake had filled him in on what the trio of women could do. He would feel completely lost around them otherwise, and he had to admit, he was developing some real feelings for the petite dancer in their midst.

“Hard to say,” Layla admitted, wrapping her arms around herself. “The north wind can bring more than just rain and thunder.”

“I hope it’s nothing too terribly bad,” Karl said. He glanced over at Bella, who was now dancing with a group of children, her laughter echoing across the square. As he watched her, he made a silent vow to protect her from whatever dangers lay ahead, even if it meant facing his own fears and insecurities.

“Enjoy the moment, Karl,” Max said quietly, clapping him on the shoulder. “There’s always going to be something lurking around the corner. But for now, just enjoy yourself.”

Karl smiled gratefully at Max’s wise words and walked back to Bella, determined to cherish the happiness they had, even as storm clouds gathered on the horizon.

The ominous silhouette of the haunted mansion loomed over them as they approached, a stark contrast against the moonlit sky. Bella couldn’t help but shudder at the sight, steeling herself for what was to come. She felt Karl’s reassuring presence beside her, his hand brushing against hers as they walked side by side.

“Ready for this?” he asked, his voice low and steady.

Bella took a deep breath, feeling the determination swell within her. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

“Remember the plan,” Layla chimed in, her eyes wary as she surveyed their surroundings. “Fiona, you’ll communicate with any spirits that might still linger. Max, Jake, and Karl—you’ll help hunt for anything that is still wrong with the mansion. I have a feeling we’ll find a million more clues there as to what’s going on. I just don’t feel like banishing Charles was enough. I’ll try to keep my premonitions in check and warn everyone if I sense anything coming.”

Fiona, cradling her pregnant belly protectively, nodded solemnly. “I just hope we can put an end to this once and for all.”

As they entered the mansion, Bella couldn’t shake the sense of foreboding that clung to the air like a thick fog. The darkness inside seemed to swallow them whole, sending chills down her spine.

“Charles and Clarissa Harrington were a twisted pair,” Fiona whispered, as though speaking too loudly would awaken something sinister. “He lured innocent women here for his wife to kill out of jealousy, trapping their souls in this place.”

“Then it’s time to set them free,” Karl declared, his voice echoing through the empty halls.

They moved through the decrepit rooms, each step tentative and cautious. Suddenly, Layla gasped, gripping Jake’s arm tightly. “Someone’s here,” she warned.

“Show yourself!” Max demanded, raising his flashlight and aiming it into the shadows.

A figure emerged, the cruel smile of Clarissa Harrington twisting her features. “You think you can banish me?” she taunted, malice dripping from her every word.

“Try us,” Karl challenged, stepping forward to face him.

“Karl, be careful,” Bella whispered, her heart pounding in her chest. She knew he was strong, but the fear for his safety still threatened to consume her.

“Your days of hurting innocent women are over, Clarissa,” Fiona stated firmly, her eyes burning with resolve. “We’re here to make sure of that.”

Clarissa laughed, a chilling sound that sent shivers down their spines. “You have no idea what you’re up against,” she sneered. “I taught Charles to help me kill. And you banished him to end the terror. Just think about what other things I can do.”

“You don’t know what we’re capable of,” Layla shot back, her gaze unwavering.

With a roar, Clarissa lunged toward them, but Jake and Max were quick to intercept. They grappled with the malevolent spirit, their determination fueled by the desire to protect their loved ones.

“Go on, Fiona!” Karl urged, holding Clarissa at bay. “Free the spirits she’s trapped!”
