Page 14 of Santa's Baby

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She started to cry. “Thank you. I’ll spend the next few days making certain I’m doing all right. The baby must come first. But I want her to be born surrounded by my family.”

“Understand. Family is important, and if this is your first, they’ll want to be there.”

“Yes,” she said wiping away her tears.

It was her wish. And Amelia always got what she wanted. Things were going to work out just like she’d planned, except now, Ryan would be there.

The doctor smiled. “Where are you going to stay? I heard the hotels are full.”

“With me,” Ryan said, glancing at her.

She really had no other choice and it would give them a chance to talk.

“Ryan, take good care of her. Now I want you to go home and put those feet up and have a Merry Christmas.”

“Thank you,” she said.

The doctor walked out of the room and she felt so much better knowing that her little accident was still resting comfortably inside her.

“What about your Christmas party? The children cannot miss seeing Santa,” she told him as he helped her dress.

Laughter came from her as, with wide eyes, he pulled her maternity underwear up over her belly.

“No, we need to get you home,” he said.

“Five minutes,” she said. “Think of those children. I’ll sit over in the corner and even put my feet up. I don’t want to disappoint them.”

She could see that he was torn. But she was going to insist.

“All right, but let’s hurry,” he said.


Oh my God, the woman was even more beautiful with her rounded belly, full breasts, and those eyes that had him wrapped around her finger. All she had to do was tear up a little and bat her long lashes and he would do whatever she wanted. The only issue he’d found so far was that stubborn streak.

The woman was damn determined to get her way.

He’d wanted to take her home immediately, but she’d insisted they attend the Christmas party for the kids.

Before they left the hospital, he dialed his elves and they said to come on. They were waiting for him upstairs on the fifth floor of the hospital in the sick children’s wing.

Once he got her in the wheelchair, they’d ridden the elevator up to the children’s floor. There, his men were gathered at the nurses’ station flirting with the lovely ladies that worked the late shift.

These nurses were angels. They dealt with sick kids and lost many patients, but every time he visited this floor, they were laughing and smiling and making the children feel special.

What they dealt with, he couldn’t even imagine.

With Amelia in the wheelchair, he’d lifted her feet as high as he dared. The nurses glanced at him with questioning looks.

Within an hour, the news that he had a girlfriend and she was nine months pregnant would be spread all over this hospital, but he didn’t care.

These people had his back and he knew from past experience they would do whatever he needed. They looked out for one another.

“The kids are waiting in the playroom,” the nurse in charge said, pointing them in the direction.

“Here’s your bag of toys,” Stan said. “Nurse Brandon can push Amelia in and then we can get started.”

They hurried down the hall to the playroom. He had to do this quickly and then get Amelia home, but part of him was glad they weren’t going to miss the party. It was something he enjoyed doing.
