Page 17 of Santa's Baby

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With a sigh, she sat back, watched him get out of the jeep, unlock the front door, and leave it open. Then he came back for her. He opened the door and snow swirled around them. It was really getting bad.

She never would’ve made it to Whitefish in her little SUV even though it had four-wheel drive. And the thought of her stranded and alone on the road sent a shiver through her.

“Wrap your arms around my neck,” he said as he lifted her from the seat.

It was only a few yards to the door, but still, she was big and pregnant.

With a sigh, he set her on a loveseat. “This reclines so you can put your feet up. The remote is on the end table. The bathroom is down the hall. I’ll be right back.”

He ran outside and she heard his jeep door close and then he was back inside. In the kitchen, he poured her a glass of water and brought her a bowl of grapes.

“Now, I’m going to get your suitcase. If you need anything here is my phone number. Call me and I can either stop and pick up what you need or if you go into labor, which I don’t think you will, you call me.”

“All right,” she said. “Please be careful. I’m worried about you.”

A grin spread across his face, and for a moment, she thought he was going to kiss her, but instead he grabbed his coat and started for the door.

“Call me if you need anything,” he said. “It will probably take me thirty minutes.”

He rushed out the door, and she heard it lock behind him.

Sitting there, she realized this was the first time in hours she’d been alone. After being alone all this time, the silence was deafening. And she feared going into labor while being alone. She’d not given that much consideration before now.

All along, she’d planned on going home and having her baby there. But now, she wasn’t certain she was going to get to Whitefish. And Ryan had not agreed to take her after the doctor said she could go if he drove her.

She got the feeling he didn’t want to risk taking her to Whitefish.

With a sigh, she got up and walked through his apartment. It was very nice, but it only had one bedroom. One bed and she wasn’t ready to share that with him again. Not until she was certain they still cared deeply for one another.

Right now, she was so confused about her feelings for Ryan. They had one great night, but what if he wasn’t the man she’d imagined? But seeing him with those sick children had reinforced her belief in the kind of person was.

The way he took care of her and watched over her reminded her of the man she’d met on the cruise.

Walking down the hall, she saw a picture of a beautiful woman and a laughing child of about two. She wondered if that was his sister.

Going into the bathroom, she did the pregnant woman thing and liked the way he kept the bathroom so neat and tidy. In fact, his whole apartment was clean, unlike some of her college boyfriends.

But Ryan wasn’t a boyfriend. In fact, she didn’t know what Ryan was at this moment except someone who had rescued her from a very bad situation. What would she have done if she hadn’t found a hotel room?

With a sigh, she went back into the living area and climbed onto the loveseat recliner. Glancing at the clock, she realized he should be home any minute. And she was ready for him to come back.

They needed to talk. They needed to figure out what they were going to do and how to share this child because she sensed he would not walk away from her.

Were there feelings between them? Still? Or was this simply a one-night stand with a huge consequence?

Suddenly she realized that her parents must be worried sick about her. Quickly, she found her cell phone and called her mother.

“Mom,” she said. “I’m stuck in Missoula.”

“Oh, dear, I’m so happy you called. I’ve been worried— Did you find a place to—”

“Yes,” she said, trying to figure out what her mom was saying with the signal going in and out. “I’m at a paramedic’s house.” She was not about to tell her she was staying at Ryan’s home. Her mother didn’t know about Ryan. There was so much she’d kept secret from her family. At the time, it had seemed like a good idea, but now, she realized she should’ve told them months ago.

“Hello?” her mom said. “Amelia, are you there?”

“Mom, can you hear me?”

“I can’t hear you, dear, but if you’re safe, stay there, and we’ll see you when you get here. Love you.”
