Page 22 of Santa's Baby

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A grin spread across his face as he stood and came around to her. Lifting her from the chair, he put his arms around her as far as he could. “Thank you. I’m so happy and can’t wait to meet this little one.”

She watched as his mouth descended, and his lips covered hers. It had been nine months since she’d kissed him. And all that passion and desire that he’d created once again made a spark. Her arms reached up and wrapped around his neck.

There was something about Ryan that drew her to him.

When they broke apart, he smiled. “How about if I fix you some eggs? Are you hungry?”

“Am I pregnant? Yes, I’m starving.”


After breakfast, he cleaned up the dishes while she went into the living room and propped her feet up.

When he finished, he made them a big salad to eat on for the next few days, and then he put on some homemade vegetable soup. She needed to eat as many vegetables and not a lot of sodium.

Being homemade, he was able to use spices other than salt.

When the pot was simmering, he came into the living room where she had sat on the loveseat recliner. He sank down next to her.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m googling Braxton Hicks and what to expect in the last days of your pregnancy. This site has had a great list of things to expect every month. I’m so ready for this baby to come, but I still want her to wait until we reach Whitefish.”

Looking over her shoulder, he sighed. “Here’s a list of things to do to encourage the baby to come. Exercise and walking. I don’t think that’s going to happen today, not with the storm raging outside.”

The wind slammed against the door and Ryan sighed. Someday he wanted to move into a house. For a while, he’d owned a house with Sandy but sold it. There were so many memories there that he couldn’t stay.

Often he thought he heard her voice calling to him, so it was better that he put it on the market and find a new place.

“Spicy food or castor oil,” he said.

“Spicy food, yes, but castor oil, just yuck. I’d have to be really desperate to try that stuff.”

The baby needed to remain in the mother’s womb for as long as possible. He really didn’t want to encourage her to try to start labor. Especially since there was no way they were going to Whitefish until this storm was over. Maybe not until after the baby was born. He planned on doing his best to convince her to stay here, but he knew how much she wanted to be with her family.

She started to giggle.

“Sex! Look it says that sex can induce labor. Semen contains prostaglandins, which can soften the cervix. An orgasm will stimulate the uterus and can release oxytocin which causes contractions.”

Did the woman not realize what she was doing to him? He would pick her up and carry her to the bedroom right now if she would have sex with him. But somehow he didn’t think she was going to agree.

“It also says that fresh pineapple can induce labor. These are all unproven theories,” he said, hoping she didn’t go back to the sex. That would be so hard to resist. Their night together had been mind-blowing and he couldn’t wait to be with her again, but right now just didn’t seem like the right time.

She glanced at him. “Pineapple gives me heartburn. That’s not fun.”

He nodded and then pulled her tightly against him. “I think we just need to relax, watch a movie, and keep your feet up. I’ve got soup cooking and I made a salad. I’ll heat up some rolls when you get hungry.”

“I’m always hungry,” she said, gazing at him. “You do realize that just as soon as the roads clear, I’m headed to Whitefish.”

He’d wanted to put off this conversation for as long as possible.

“The doctor said as long as I went with you,” he said. “Let’s just wait and see what happens.”

“I can drive myself,” she replied.

As much as he knew she liked her independence, he didn’t want her driving alone. Hell, he didn’t want her driving period.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” he said. “If you were to break down or the car went into a ditch, you’d be stranded. And that would be when the baby decided to arrive. I think you should stay here with me. Have the baby, and after that, we can decide what to do next.”
