Page 7 of Santa's Baby

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“I’m sorry, sir. I don’t know. All you can do is try,” he told him and then turned and walked away.

Dejected, Ryan slumped toward the elevator wondering how long it would take him to catch one going up. Then he had to finish packing and get ready to leave. She told him she was a lawyer. She had just taken a job in Cheyenne. How many lawyers named Amelia could be working in Cheyenne?

As soon as he got home, he’d search the internet for her.

An hour later, he stood in line at the checkout desk. He had to try one more time to see if anyone would help him. Nothing. No one cared.

Thirty minutes later, he disembarked the boat and caught a shuttle to the airport. Last night had been the best night of his life since the accident. With Amelia, he’d felt an attraction he’d not felt in years and he’d so wanted to continue what they’d started. But he’d lost the opportunity.

Damn, he wanted to kick himself for falling asleep, and yet he’d slept better last night than he had in two years.

His only chance of finding Amelia was to check the law offices in Cheyenne. Maybe there he would find her. Hell, it wasn’t that far from Missoula and he’d even drive there to see if he could locate her.

Whatever it took, he had to find her.


Four Days before Christmas Eve

Amelia sang along to the satellite radio that kept going in and out. The weather was starting to get bad and must’ve been interfering with the signal. Snowflakes danced in the headlights as they covered the road.

Only a few more hours and she’d be home. And while she knew her family would be so happy to see her, she also knew they were about to get the shock of their lives.

The golden girl had a secret.

The wind rocked her SUV and she held tightly to the steering wheel. At this rate, it would be midnight before she reached Whitefish.

The snowflakes went from dancing to a whiteout, falling thick, fast, and furious. No, just no. She wanted to reach Whitefish tonight. She needed the comfort of her mother’s arms and her father’s strict voice asking her if she was crazy, and for once, she’d agree with him.

Yes, she was crazy, but it was a loving insanity. Her heart had not been so full since her first kiss in high school.

But she also knew her parents would welcome her with open arms. One thing about her family, they loved you regardless of your mistakes. Her sister Olivia was certainly an example of that. That girl could find trouble with no help needed.

And Emma. It would be so good to see her twin and learn what she was doing with her life. Somehow they’d grown apart and she missed her sisters.

Of course, once again, once they saw her, she would garner all their attention. Their hugs, their support, their love, everyone would surround her and tell her that everything was going to be just fine.

And it would be. She wasn’t afraid. At least, not yet.

Just as she pulled into Missoula, a flashing highway sign warned her the highway out of Missoula was closed. Everyone was advised to seek shelter.

A fucking blizzard had closed the road.

With a sigh, she started looking for a reputable hotel. Right now, she wasn’t up for something seedy or grimy. She needed a good hotel with room service.

A place that would feed her and maybe even have a masseuse. She needed a warm bed.

She pulled into a luxury hotel and parked beneath the awning.

A man came to the side of the door. “Sorry, ma’am, we’re full.”

“Thank you,” she said, glad she’d not had to get out of the vehicle.

Pulling out, fear trickled down her spine. What if she couldn’t find a place? This storm was supposed to be bad, and she had to get off the road. The highway patrol was known for shutting the gates on the road and locking them until after the storm passed.

And she couldn’t blame them. How many people had tried to drive through a storm and then needed rescuing?

Five hotels later, she pulled beneath the awning of a hotel and climbed out of her car. Her legs felt stiff from sitting so long. Her feet were swollen. With the extra weight she was carrying, it was hard to climb in and out of the car.
