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My fear over Sarah’s mood completely overshadowed the little bolt of joy I received when Brock rejected Sarah. Because I knew he did that because of me. He wanted me, he had done from the very first moment I laid eyes on him. I knew that from within the depths of my soul because it was written all over him. Every time we locked eyes, I knew it.

I nibbled down on my bottom lip as I caught sight of him now, sizzling with desire. It was unbelievable that anyone would prefer me to Miss Hollywood herself, but this was undeniable.

“You are being watched,” Brock growled, continuing on with what he had to say despite Sarah’s little outburst. “And there really is a threat toRevive.It isn’t just some Internet thing. Today while he was monitoring the set, Mickey found a bomb.”

“A bomb?” I gasped, thinking now about how I was there with Mickey, and how he kept trying to warn me but I wouldn’t really hear it. Shit, I could have died.

“You arejoking,” Sarah cried out. “There is no way. I have to deal with that kind of shit all the time. The threats and stuff. Nothing ever turns out to be real.”

“This is real,” Brock warned. “And it isn’t just any old threat. It’s linked to Victor.”

While I didn’t know what this meant, the way that Sarah gasped all the air out of the room suggested that she knew exactly what was happening.


Her eyes widened and I noted that this was the first time that she had shown any actual fear about all of this. That meant…well, I wasn’t sure what that meant, but it absolutely chilled me to the core. “But what does he want?”

Brock shook his head sadly. “The details are still coming to light, but one thing I do know is that a warning is now out. We have to all go to the film set now, and if we aren’t there in the next thirty minutes then a bomb will be detonated.”

“Wait,what?” Sarah clamped her hand to her forehead. “So, you’re telling me that we now have to go to where the bomb is? For what reason? If none of us go and they blow up the movie set, then what the hell does it matter? Stuff can be replaced. We can’t.”

“The bomb will also affect the surrounding areas and a lot of lives will be lost. Plus, some of the crew are already there. They were called in under false pretenses from Robert and now they are stuck. The writers, the runners, the sound and lighting crew…”

“The lighting people? Carrie?” Sure we’d only just had one night of having fun and chatting, but I wasn’t going to leave her there to die on her own. “So, those people are hostages.”

“Basically yes, and Mickey is one of them.” The panic was now making a lot of sense. “So we need to save those people and make sure that no one gets hurt.”

I was on board to go. I didn’t want to stay here and let others get hurt. I didn’t care about myself, I just cared about the others. But I could see that Sarah was a little less keen. She didn’t want to go anywhere. But I also didn’t want to leave her behind here either.

“Sarah, come on,” I whispered to her. “We have to go. We can’t just hide out.”

“But what if this is about me?” Sarah didn’t seem to be able to move her body. “What if it is because I am royal? I’ve never had a threat like this before, and it’s terrifying. We’ve been doing all of this social media stuff, posting about where we are and everything. What if Victor has nefarious plans for me.”

“Er…I don’t know anything about Victor,” I had to admit. “But I think that facing this head on is the best way to put a stop to it before it gets out of hand.”

“You really think that would be the advice the police would give us? Because I don’t,” Sarah said with a tremor in her voice. “I think they would tell us to stay right here.”

Yeah, she was probably right about that one. I didn’t think the police would tell us to run head first into danger, but it just seemed like the right thing to do. We had to save everyone.

“I’m going to go,” I whispered to her. “Because I can’t just hide away.”

I held out my hand to her, waiting for her to take it. It took her a couple of moments but finally she did. Probably because deep down, she knew that this was what we had to do.

Brock then led us down to the car and he drove us towards the movie set. My heart was in my throat the entire time. I grabbed Sarah’s hand so we could manage our fear together. I needed her to know that I was right here with her, no matter what happened. Even if we were potentially driving to our death…

Holy shit, that was exactly what was happening, wasn’t it? We were potentially driving to our death here. Fuck, that was not something I thought I would ever have to do. Especially not in this small town. What was it about Rockport? It was a wild place.

“Victor is a bad guy,” Sarah finally whispered to me. There was a desperate tremor in her voice. “A really bad guy. I don’t like him at all. But I still don’t know why he would do this to me. If he was going to attack my family, don’t you think that he would go after my father? I don’t see why coming for me is going to change anything…”

“He’s also the alpha of Spike’s old pack,” Brock jumped in, only making it even more confusing for me. “So we don’t know if this is linked to all of that as well. Or it could even be something to do with Robert. We’re trying not to think too deeply about the motives until we know more. Once we’re there, and Victor finally has everyone where he wants them, then I imagine he will tell us what is going on.”

“Right before he kills us all,” Sarah grumbled. “Then he’ll win, whatever his game plan is.”

“We are going to try and make sure it doesn’t get that far,” Brock replied kindly, but he wasn’t reassuring anyone. “We’re going to take him down first.”

What the hell was happening here? I guess this was the darker side of the wolf life that I didn’t know anything about. There was a whole lot of history that I didn’t know. I wished in this moment I knew it all because I felt really out of the loop here. Useless. I had absolutely nothing to contribute to the conversation and that made me feel small and silly.

I sunk down in my seat, wondering what I had just gotten all of us into. I was looking forward to seeing Spike though, because I was pretty sure that he would explain everything to me and it would all start to make sense.
