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At some point, this had to make sense, right?



The first thing I noticed when I spotted Arya flying through the door and into the movie set was how utterly terrified she was. I’d noticed before that Brock seemed to have a very calming effect on her, which I would assume she needed now, but it hadn’t worked.

It was a risk sending Brock to be around Arya as well. If he didn’t think that I saw how he looked at her, then he was insane. Those googly eyes were completely unmissable. And I got it, I really did. There was something special about Arya. I spotted it the first time I saw her sitting across from me in the bar, and my feelings for her had only grown. I understood why Brock might like her, but unfortunately for him, she was mine. I’d claimed her.

I didn’t know what was going to happen next because there was never any way to really tell, but I was desperately hoping that she would want to be with me just as I did her. Whether that meant her staying in Rockport or me leaving to be with her, I wasn’t sure, but I knew that my feelings for her were way too good to pass up on. I couldn’t do it, I would be a fool.

Which was why I didn’t hesitate to reach my hand out to her and to pull her behind me, ignoring what everyone else thought at this moment. I needed to get her alone so I could talk to her, and let her know what was going on inside my head. I was terrified to tell her how I felt, but having my life on the line was a real kick up the ass.

“I need you to know that you are going to be okay,” I reassured her as I pulled her into the headquarters. So much had happened here in this very room, and it was all about coming to a head. “I am going to make sure that you are okay.”

“You are?” I cupped her cheeks and held her a little closer to me. “How can you promise that? It’s a bit of a huge promise especially since we don’t know what’s happening.”

I gritted my teeth angrily together. “I know Victor. I don’t know if you’re aware of that.” She nodded. I wasn’t sure who had filled her in, but I suppose it was a shortcut. “And I know that I can one up him. I don’t want you to panic.”

I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight as she sobbed a little. I stroked the back of her head and gently kissed the top of her head.

“Arya, you are my fated mate,” I whispered into her ear, finally just letting it out. Weirdly, a bit of relief flowed through me. A weight had been lifted off my chest. “And I know this sounds wild, but I have fallen head over heels in love with you. We might have known one another for only a short time, but Iknowthat my feelings are real.”

“You love me?” She stared up at me with curiosity in her eyes. But a loving interest filled her gaze, she wasn’t freaked out by me. “Really? Because I know that I have been falling for you as well. It’s crazy, but I can’t stop thinking about you.”

I brushed my fingers through her hair once more. “You’re my mate, and I will never let anything happen to you. I want you to know that. I’ll protect you to the end.”

Arya’s eyes filled with tears, happy looking tears, as she rose up to her feet to press her lips gently to mine. The feel of her kiss was utterly overwhelming. I couldn’t get enough of this. Now she knew I was in love with her and she still wanted to kiss me. Maybe if we got out of here alive, then we could actually live out a happy ever after.

I hadn’t ever believed that happy ever after’s were for me, but maybe I was wrong. Maybe it was her, right here, standing in front of me, in my arms.

If it wasn’t for the knocking on the door, I wasn’t sure how far me and Arya would have gone. But we leaped apart as if we had been electrocuted before we burst out laughing together. The door finally opened a crack and Liam slipped inside.

He was always quiet. Liam was much more silent than the rest of us, but he had become even more silent while working on this movie set. I wasn’t sure if it was because all of this was overwhelming him. It was quite intimidating being around the Hollywood crowd. Poor Liam, I hoped that he would be alright once all of this was over.

“Liam, hi, are you okay?” I stared at him curiously. “What’s happened?”

Liam noticed Arya and immediately went into panic mode. He stepped back, sensing that he had interrupted something, and his eyes continued to widen as he ran his gaze all over Arya. He must have assumed that Sarah was around as well. I’d seen him watching the super star on the security cameras. That was one hell of a crush that he had on her.

But if that was all troubling him, then that was fine. As long as Victor hadn’t started yet.

“I just came to look through the crowd on the cameras,” Liam said quietly. “I thought he might try and mingle in before causing some damage. You know how brash he is.”

“That isn’t a bad idea actually. He is an arrogant son of a bitch.”

Liam moved out the way and took his seat. But he couldn’t seem to sit still. He kept glancing over his shoulder to take a look at Arya. If he wanted to know what she was doing here, then all he had to do was ask me. I was happy to tell him. Especially now I knew that I was truly in love with Arya, and that she was more than likely my fated mate, and even better than that she was in love with me as well…

But he didn’t ask a thing. He just continued to look through the crowds on the camera. I couldn’t help but notice that he didn’t stop on Sarah today. He must have been really scared about what was going on around us. I guess a bomb overshadowed everything else.

“I think I might need to take a look around the building in person,” I joined in, the fear gripping me as well. “Just in case Victor is here for me. I can face off with him. Plus, the cameras don’t cover all the nooks and crannies of the building.”

“What should I do?” Arya asked curiously. “Do I stay here?”

I glanced at Liam. “You’ll be alright looking after Arya, won’t you?” He nodded cautiously. “Good, please make sure that you keep her safe. Don’t let anyone come in here, okay? Just keep your eyes on the cameras and see what’s going on.”

Arya wrapped her arms around me, not worrying about Liam watching us, and she leaned her head on my shoulder. “Be safe, Spike, okay? Come back.”

I nodded seriously at her, because I was sure that I would be just fine. “I will, you don’t need to worry. You and Liam look after one another. Keep each other safe, will you?”
