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It was a little painful pulling away from Arya knowing that she was the one for me, but I had to. If Victor’s presence had anything to do with me, then I wouldnotallow anyone else to get hurt. There was a chance that all of this linked back to me leaving the pack all those years ago, because I wasn’t convinced that him being here was a coincidence. And if it was my fault, then I wouldn’t let him set off some bomb and I wouldn’t let him anywhere near anyone else. Most of all Arya. He wasnotgoing to hurt her if it was the last thing that I did.

My fists balled up by my side as my heart began to race. I didn’t even realize it, but this showdown had always been building, hadn’t it? It had been coming for years, and now the moment was upon us. Me and Victor, having it out…

And if it did turn out that magically this was all a coincidence and Victor was after something else, well I would just be grateful that I was the one who got to finish him off. Because if he was going to continue on down the same path as his father, but clearly worse, then he needed to be stopped now. This shit had to end, and I was happy to do it.

“Victor, where the fuck are you?” I cried out as I headed on to set. “Stop playing games. Let’s just have this out, shall we? Because this is stupid.”

His cackling laughter sent a shudder down my spine. The movie set was looking like a woodlands area with trees all over the place. It was very cool and realistic looking, but it didn’t help me at this very freaking moment, did it? Urgh, where the hell was Victor hiding out?

“Well, well, well…” His voice drawled and echoed through the whole room. The sound of his voice sent a shudder down my spine. I didnotwant to be here. “Isn’t this a nice surprise? Hey, Spike, I didn’t think I would ever get the chance to see you again.”

I wanted to puke. But I kept my head up high, I wasn’t going to let him intimidate me.

“What the fuck are you playing at, Victor?” I snapped, spinning around until I could lay eyes on him. I didn’t likenotbeing able to know where he was. “This is madness, even for you. What are you trying to achieve here with some kind of bomb? How stupid is that?”

This was weird, I still couldn’t see him and that had me on edge. I needed to say something that would make him come out into view so that we could be on equal footing here.

“Victor, why areyouhere anyway? Why didn’t your father come?” He emitted a low groan. Good, this had caused a reaction. That was exactly what I needed. Much as all of this was kinda scary, I wasn’t about to be put off. I could take Victor if I needed to. Although who knew who else he had here. Sure, I had other wolves too, including the actors from the movie, but Ireallydidn’t want to get anyone else involved unless I had absolutely no choice in the matter. As far as I was concerned, the more of this that I could tackle on my own, the better. “I haven’t seen your father for a long time. I thought that he might have wanted a reunion with me.”

“Why thefuckwould any of us ever want to see you again?” His voice moved around the room and I circled myself around to follow him as much as I could. “You abandoned us. You fucked off and left us when we needed you, without any explanation, so why would we want you back? Our pack only wants those who can be loyal. I would have thought you’d know as much. Loyalty is the one thing that our pack stands for.”

Huh, it sounded like there was still a lot of hurt over me leaving, but if Victor didn’t want to see me again then why the hell had he come after me? Something wasn’t sitting right with me. I couldn’t quite see what he was doing here and that unnerved me terribly.

“Youdoknow why I left, Victor, I have always been very clear about that. I left because I wasn’t happy with the mentality of the pack. I didn’t like the violence and the need for control. I just wanted to live my life and be happy. I didn’t want to worry about other packs.”

“Oh fuck you,” he snarled, finally coming into view. Only a little. I could just about see his shadow through the trees on the set. “I don’t know who filled you with such self-importance, Spike, but it means nothing.Youmean nothing to us. Any of us.”

“So, why are you here?” I threw my hands up in the air in frustration. “If I am really so unimportant to you, then what are you doing here? Why are you in Rockport? I don’t understand why you would come here for me after all these years…”

As soon as Victor bent double and burst out laughing, I realized that this was never about me. It couldn’t have been. Victor hadn’t even brought up the fact that his father wasn’t alive anymore, even though I’d heard through the grapevine that he passed away years ago.

“You will never change, will you, Spike? You will always think that you are the most important person. I didn’t know that you were going to be here. I haven’t ever tried to track your movements or anything because you mean nothing to me. The fact that you are actually here is more of an annoyance than anything else. I don’t want to be dealing with you.”

Fuck, I was going to have to ask. I didn’t really want to, but I needed to. “So, what the hell are you doing here then? Do you have some vested interest inRevive?Is there some reason why you don’t want this movie to succeed? Because honestly, that’s insane. I don’t know what you and any of your pack are thinking…” I needed to drive my point home. I knew that this was going to irritate the living shit out of him, but that was probably the best way to get this moving forwards and to get him talking. “Especially your father.”

“You don’t get to talk about him.” All of a sudden, Victor was right up in my face, his eyes absolutely burning with an intense rage unlike anything I had ever seen from him before. I had seen him all wound up and out of control, but this seemed to be on a different level. “You lost the right to say anything about my father when you left the pack. You should never speak ill of the dead anyway, have you not learned that in your life.”

He broke off panting, staring at me like I had torn the head from his body. Okay, so I definitely had him all wound up now. It was time to figure out what was going on.

“If not for me, then what the hell are you doing here?”

“I wanther.” The way that he growled this out immediately had my head spinning and my heart racing. The onlyherthat I could think of was the same woman who was on my mind all the time. There was basically only one woman on the planet as far as I was concerned. Even though it didn’t make any sense because what would Victor want with Arya? How would he even know that she existed? The only way that he could want her, was to get at me.

I couldn’t hold back any longer, there was no space left in my head to be smart. All I saw was red as I ripped free from my human body, shedding my clothing into a million tiny pieces as I went, and I charged at him in my wolf form. Victor shifted too, but I caught a well-timed glimmer of panic in his eyes. Our past connection meant he knew how strong I was, how I was the strongest wolf that he had come across, and that he barely stood a chance. Especially when I was this angry. Any human rational thought was long gone. I was nothing more than a primal animal, ready to shred him apart.

I didn’t even care if his pack came at me now, even my old friends. The thought of anything terrible happening to Arya absolutely crushed me. It honestly tore me apart until there was nothing left of me. This was how I knew for sure that Arya was my fated mate, and that I would do whatever it took to be in her life. I didn’t know how we would be able to make it work, but that hardly mattered. I would do anything because we belonged together, I was absolutely sure of it. Nothing would get in our way.

I lurched at Victor and he fought me back just as hard. The trees that had been so carefully set up for the movie came crashing down around us. Victor howled loudly, a sound that seemed to come from deep within his soul as my teeth sunk into him.

Good, fuck him. I didn’t want him to get out of here unscathed. He couldn’t come intomytown and threaten the woman who I had fallen in love with. It didn’t matter what had occurred between us in the past, that was too far.

“Stop, no, don’t mess this up for me…”

It was only Robert’s voice that pulled Victor away from me. I wasn’t sure what made me do it, but instead of attacking him as he turned his back on me, to put an end to this once and for all, I backed off to see what unfolded. There was definitely something going on here that we needed to make sense of. I was more than happy to find out what because the more of the picture that we had, the more we could stop Victor from doing anything else.

“I told you, Victor,” Robert continued in a shaky tone. His fear was screaming through. It was almost as if he didn’t know that Victor thrived off of fear. “I will do what I have to for you, because I knowRevivewouldn’t be happening if it wasn’t for your funding. My career would be down the drain if you didn’t bury all those stories about me. I get that.” He held up his hands in a surrendering gesture while I tried to work out at what point Victor became so freaking powerful and wealthy. How was he pulling all of this off? Whateverthiswas? “But you can’t destroy all of this because then all of that will be for nothing. Iknowthat none of this is about the movie for you, but it is for me.”

Victor cocked his wolf head to one side and stared at Robert, intimidating him even more so. Something was clearly about to happen, but what…?
