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I wasn’t usually this impatient, but this was Arya. She was special. She waseverything.

“It really is going to be okay,” Mickey appeared behind me and rested his hands on my shoulders. He had a very important role to play today as well since it was him who disarmed the bomb. The fact that it was homemade, made it easier for him to destroy it, but it was also much more dangerous. He had more evidence to give than me. “I swear to you, Liam. I know that you’re worried about this all going wrong, but there’s nowayVictor won’t go down for this. We shouldn’t even need to give evidence, there is too much stacked against him. It’s wild.”

Brock burst out laughing, making me jump at first. But as soon as everyone else joined in, I couldn’t resist chuckling as well. Not because anything was really funny, but because I had had a lot of pent up energy and I couldn’t stop myself from letting it out. I had to admit, it was a little bit of a relief not to be so caught up in stress and to remember that we were all in this together. Yes, there was a lot of attention on the trial, maybe even too much for my liking because of Sarah Billingham andRevive, but we could do it. Together.

Gratefully I looked around at the gang, flooding myself with a little bit of confidence. I breathed a little easier, didn’t let the anxiety cling to me quite so strongly, and I held on to the fact that by the end of the day all of this would be over for good. We would have our answers and we could all find some much needed closure in all of this…

* * *

This was weird.Standing up on the witness stand with everyone staring at me was the strangest sensation I’d ever had the displeasure of suffering before. But there was one set of eyes staring at me which made me feel a whole lot better. Arya, who was sitting closely with her friend, Carrie, smiling at me, reassuring me as much as she could every step of the way.

She might not have been able to reach out and touch me, but I could feel her arms around me, holding me in place to make sure that I was okay as I stood up to the questioning. Thank goodness because watching the security footage again was a little hard. It was bad enough the first time around when everything was unfolding in real-time, but Iknewwithout a shadow of a doubt that Spike wanted me to stay with Arya, to keep her safe. Even though I knew the outcome this time around, and it was going to be good, we were going to win, and good would defeat evil, I still didn’t like to see it. It put me on edge more than I cared to admit.

“…so, where is Miss Billingham when all of this is happening?” the defense lawyer asked me grimly. “Because there is no sign of her here…”

I flicked the camera before he could even finish his sentence to show where Sarah was hiding with all the other actors at the time. We could actually see the moment that she first heard her name and she snapped into action, because she wasn’t about to let Victor hurt anyone else on her behalf. This shut the lawyer up for the moment, because I was pretty sure that he wanted to try and trip up the prosecution on the timeline. They couldn’t when we had absolutely everything laid out in front of him. Time stamped and everything.

I had to admit. He was a good lawyer. He must have cost Victor a fortune, but he couldn’t defeat the truth. Not when the evidence was so strong and in front of him.

“Well, it doesn’t look like she is as terrified as she made out when she was on the witness stand. She’s walking towards my client now, ready to attack him.”

Oh hell no, I wasn’t about to let him victim blame. Not a chance in hell. I hated him!

“Sarah Billingham was very brave,” I told him sternly. “We didn’t know at the time what Victor was doing on the set ofRevive.We didn’t know why he had been sending a string of online threats…” Which Mickey picked up on all along, which I was super grateful for now. This was why I’d listened to him all along. “We didn’t know why there was a bomb planted on set. So as soon as Sarah realized that it was about her, she went to confront yourclient, to try and calm things down before they got out of hand. The last thing that Sarah was trying to do in that moment was to make things worse for herself or anyone else. It’s insulting that you would even suggest such a thing. Especially when you have seen the footage.”

A thick silence clung to the air. I caught Arya’s eyes, and she was shining with pride. It was written all over her face. Having her give me that look suddenly made me feel so much stronger. It was like she gave me the confidence to handle anything well.

War was hard on me. I didn’t think that I had survived it well. I didn’t seem to come out of it the same person, but it seemed likeIwas in there the whole time, and all I needed was Arya to help bring that out of me. I stood taller when she was around, that was for sure.

I tackled the next question that was flung my way easily and the few after that. I wasn’t going to let the defense team make me look stupid when I knewexactlywhat I was talking about. I could feel Arya’s eyes on me the whole time, burning pride through me.

This was great. We were going to get Victor today, and the world would be a much better place. There was nowhere better that asshole could be than behind bars. I hoped that he was watching me, too, as I put him in his place. I wasn’t even worried about his pack mates glaring at me. I didn’t feel threatened by them because I had something so much better than they did.

I had my pack, am part of a reverse harem, and I had the best woman in the world. Maybe she wasn’t a royal wolf, or a wolf at all, but I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

* * *

We were all togetherwhen the verdict came in. All sharing drinks at the most popular bar in town. There was a deafening cheer when we all heard that Victor had been found guilty and that he would be going away for a very long time, but I think the loudest scream had come from Sarah. Hardly surprising. The whole thing was a whole lot worse for her.

We cheered and drank, celebrated, and had a whole lot of fun. Truth be told, I didn’t spend a lot of time with the cast and crew while we were filmingRevivebecause I thought it would be much better for me to keep my distance so I could do my job better. Plus, I was trying not to let my feelings for Arya show, which now seemed ridiculous. Did I honestly think that I could just move on from this and be just fine? No way, I was head over heels in love with Arya. I wouldn’t have been able to spend a single day without her.

So anyway, this was nice. I felt like I belonged to something bigger, and it was cool to be involved with such a crowd. The only sad part was there was nothing keeping these people around anymore.Revivewas filmed, and the court case was done. The actors likely had other projects lined up. Although I hoped that didn’t mean Arya…

We hadn’t exactly discussed what was going to happen afterward, but since Arya had been basically living at our home the last month, I kinda assumed she’d continue doing the same. I mean, we were fated mates, right? She was the first person to say that. I was almost one hundred percent confident that she was staying in Rockport with us…

It was just that tiny percent of uncertainty that scared me. I really didn’t know what I would do if she wasn’t around. I wasn’t sure what any of us would do. I’d never seen Spike so in love with anyone before, and Brock was absolutely entranced. Mickey was much lighter and happier with Arya around as well. We needed her. I could only hope that she needed us as well.

“You did this, Liam,” she suddenly declared while throwing her arms around me, almost knocking me off my feet. “I don’t know what we would do without you. If it wasn’t for you up on that stand with all your incredible video footage proving absolutely everything, I don’t think Victor would have gone down. You saved the freaking day!”

Now I wasn’t sure how true this was. Everyone who was there had had a hand in putting Victor away, but hearing these words come from Arya was absolutely intoxicating. I couldn’t get enough. I hugged her tighter, really not wanting to let her go. I slid my eyes closed and inhaled deeply, truly breathing her in and adoring every single moment of her.

“I love you, Arya.” Those words came falling out of my mouth before I could really think about what I was saying. Maybe it wasn’t the time and place to be so deeply honest with my feelings, but it was too late now. “I love you more than you could ever imagine.”

She simply pulled back and shot me the award-winning smile which always made my heart race faster. “You know that I love you too, right? I love all of you so much. I don’t know if I show that enough, but I hope I do because you are all so important to me.”

With that, she crashed her lips to mine and kissed me right in the middle of everyone. Not that anyone seemed surprised. I wasn’t sure that there was anyone who didn’t know about us anymore. Plus, everyone was getting a little wild tonight. I guess there was a lot of sexual tension that built up on a movie set, and now thatRevivewas done, it was time to explore all of that, especially if people were going to go their separate ways in the morning.

“You know, maybe we should go back home soon,” she suddenly said with a naughty twinkle in her eye. A look I knew all too well. Almost immediately, every single part of my body reacted to her. All of me ached for her. “I think I will just say goodbye to everyone. I want to make sure that Carrie and I keep in touch. Do you want to get the guys?”
