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She slumped back in her chair and stared up at the ceiling for a moment. She looked as if she was performing some mindful meditation, so I remained as quiet as I could not to disturb her. I knew all too well that this helped her get into the right mindset.

So it shocked me when she reached out and grabbed my arm hard with a new redness staining her cheeks. “Oh my God, who is that hottie? Wow.”

I followed her eye line and was immediately struck by the sight in front of me. She wasn’t wrong. Whoever this guy was, he washot. Clean-shaven, all over, with bright green eyes and a jawline that made me feel weak at the knees. Not so long ago, I had been daydreaming only about Spike and how just looking at him made me feel. Now my mind was immediately flooded with images of this handsome stranger, taking his clothes off for me.

What the hell was with Rockport? How did such a small town manage to have so many amazing looking guys? It was unreal!

“Get him over here,” Sarah demanded. “I want to know who this wolf is.”

“He’s a wolf too?” There it was again, that all too familiar pang of jealousy.

“Oh yeah, I can tell by how he’s built. He’s clearly an animal, and I bet he’s one in the bedroom as well. I bet he would know how to throw me around the room.”

She was joking. Sarah was going over the top to make it obvious that she was only playing around, but I didn’t like it for some strange reason. I was definitely very jealous, which was a strange sensation since I didn’t know himat all. Plus, more than that, I was supposed to be enjoying my time with Spike while I was here. I didn’t need to worry about another man.

So why couldn’t I switch this weirdness off? What was wrong with me?

“I think his name tag says Brock,” I told her quietly. “I’m not one hundred percent sure from over here, but that’s what it looks like.”

“What a name. I like Brock. It sounds good, doesn’t it,Brock.”

I did too. But then I also liked Spike as well.

There was either something in the water at Rockport, or I really was getting into the mindset where I needed to settle down with someone and every attractive guy that crossed my path was simply getting my attention. If that was the case, I would have to watch myself so I didn’t end up losing my damn mind. Or worse, fooling around with a bunch of guys, who probably knew each other because I imagined everyone knew one another here, and overcomplicating my life.Thatwas something I didn’t need.

“Brock!” Sarah lifted her hand, completely without shame and waved him over. His eyes snapped in our direction, which meant I must have gotten his name right. I wasn’t sure why, but this brought an intense heat to my cheeks that I couldn’t control. I didn’t even need to meet this guy officially, and I certainly didn’t need to do it with bright red cheeks. But I wasn’t in control of anything happening around me, so it made no difference. “Come here.”

He narrowed his gaze in on Sarah, looking exactly how I felt, that he didn’t want this to happen at all. But Sarah was a star and it wasn’t often that anyone said no to her, so really it was no surprise when he started to cross the room over to us. My spine still stiffened, though, and my blood began to run icy cold. I wasn’t sure how to talk to a man this handsome.

Especially not when I had another gorgeous man on my brain. This was not like me at all.

“Ooh, he looks even better close up,” Sarah giggled. “Don’t you think?”

Oh hell yeah, I definitely thought that. My breath got caught in my throat, and however hard I tried, I couldn’t get anywhere near enough air into my lungs. I wanted to, so I didn’t pass out in front of Brock, making this officially the most humiliating moment of my life, but I couldn’t even control myself. It was wild.

“Hi, Brock.” Sarah stuck out her hand for him to shake. Jealous, I watched their hands intertwine for just a moment. “I’m Sarah Billingham, lead actress in this movie.”

“Yeah, hi, Sarah.” His very cautious tone of voice showed that he knew exactly who Sarah was. But then he would have had to live under a rock not to know.

“And this is Arya. She’s my personal assistant.”

As soon as he turned to face me, the air thinned. I felt dizzier than ever. I’d seen the way that Brock looked at Sarah, with mild interest. It was nothing like the way that he was staring at me. His eyes seemed pinned on me, holding me in place, like he did not want to let me go. The funny thing was I didn’t want him to let me go either.

“Hi, Arya.” His chocolatey smooth voice shuddered right down my spine. I couldn’t even seem to disguise my reaction. “It’s good to meet you too.”

I thought I was in trouble last night. In fact, I knew that things were going to get dangerous and hot with Spike, but now I had no words for how much danger I was going to put myself in. Because Brock had made my mouth run dry. It took every scrap of willpower I had not to leap up into his arms and have him hold me forever.

I was a mess. I couldn’t even begin to think straight. What the hell was I going to do?

Worst of all, I could see that he had his hand out for me to shake too, and I was too nervous about doing it. What a fool.



Iwasn’t supposed to be here, not really. Spike had warned us that this was a stealthy security job, and that we should always keep our distance. But what was I supposed to do when Sarah called me across the room to talk to her? Just ignore her? She was one of the biggest names in show biz right now. I would have been a fool to turn my back on her.

But if I thought coming over here that Sarah was going to be the one who had me captivated with her Hollywood, movie star good looks, then I was very wrong. It was actually Arya who I couldn’t strip my gaze away from ever since I first looked at her. And not just because of her sweet smile and her adorable red cheeks, but because I picked up on something right away.The feeling.That was what my mother used to call it. I grew up listening to stories ofthe feeling. I knew theoretically what that looked like, but I had no physical idea until now.
