Page 2 of Until Remington

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We step outside and I glance up as we pass a guy coming inside. Our eyes meet and time freezes, the air draining from my lungs the longer I stare at this captivating man.Why can’t I look away?

He’s tall, well over six feet, and I have to crane my neck back to look at him. The man has dark green eyes, and they’re locked right on me. I can’t quite make out the look he’s giving me. Shocked? Angry? Feral? Confused? Whatever it is, I can feel the intensity of his stare all the way down to my core, where something sparks to life.

His black hair is cut short on the sides and longer on top, hanging over his forehead. A gentle breeze ruffles the strands, and I have to physically hold myself back from brushing them away from his eyes. The dark hair paired with thick, dark eyebrows and sharp cheekbones make his emerald eyes pop even more.

I don’t even realize I’m gawking at him until I stumble, tripping over my own feet.

Oh my god, am I going to fall on my ass in front of the sexiest man I’ve ever met?

Just when I’m bracing myself for impact, a large, warm hand wraps around my waist. The man pulls me into his chest, absorbing the impact.

“Easy, beautiful,” he says, his tone low and growly.

I can feel the vibration of his deep voice rattle my bones. Warmth spreads from his body to mine at every point of contact, and I gasp when goosebumps break out all over my skin. Every part of me is hyper-aware of this man, from his chiseled chest pressing against my curves to his sandalwood and spice scent. Shivering, I take a step back from him.

“Thanks,” I murmur as I hurry to catch up to June.

Don’t look back. Don’t you dare look back at him, I repeat in my head. Something tells me he’s staring right at me, and if I turn around, I’ll be caught up in his gaze again.

I’m not sure what to do with the rush of sensations coursing through me right now. I’m somehow overheated and clammy at the same time, my racing thoughts making me lightheaded. I’ve never been interested in a guy before. In fact, I’ve purposely stayed far away from dating, nipping any would-be crushes in the bud before they get out of hand and I do something crazy like trust them or sleep with them or lose myself to a man who will inevitably hurt me in the end.

I watched my older foster sister get her heart broken over and over again. She came crying to me every time someone dumped her or cheated on her or just straight up ignored her existence after they were tired of dealing with her drama.

If that weren’t enough to make me weary of relationships, observing the horrible marriages of my various foster families certainly did. So much resentment, bitterness, and anger from both husbands and wives. One or both of them using alcohol or drugs to cope with life.

Honestly, the best example of a father or a husband was Paul Brenner. He sat on the couch and ate pork rinds most of the day, ignoring everyone, including his wife. If that’s the best-case scenario, thenno thank you. I’ll pass on relationships. Plus, being a volunteer at Big Brothers Big Sisters and seeing how many single moms there are has only reinforced that getting involved with a guy would be a bad idea.

Shaking my head of those thoughts, I force myself to ignore the feelings Mr. Tall-Dark-and-Stupidly-Handsome inspired in me.

June has been telling me about her test, and I feel bad for zoning out. Nodding along to whatever she just said, I reach my car and open the back door for her, getting her settled before climbing in behind the wheel. Before I start the car, I can’t help but look back at the mystery man.


He’s still standing on the sidewalk, staring after me. I watch intently as he lifts a hand to his chin, rubbing the slight scruff there as if in a trance. I can’t help but notice his forearm flex, the muscles coiling as he continues to scratch his chin. Another shiver runs down my spine, snapping me back to the present. I start the car, wondering why this man is making me feel like this.

What is it about his presence that makes me feel jittery and on edge? Should I be frightened?

My phone buzzes, pulling me from my spiral, and I smile when I see Emilia’s name on the screen.

Emilia:Don’t forget about movie night tonight!

Lucy: I won’t!

Emilia: Do I need to pick anything up?

Lucy: Want to grab some pizzas? June is coming too if that’s alright?!

Emilia: Yay! Okay, let me know and I can grab whatever.

Lucy: Sounds good! See you soon!

I metEmilia when she moved in with Scarlett and me a year ago. She and her brother, Spencer, moved in with us when they first got to town. She’s so strong and smart, and Spencer is the sweetest kid. We all became our own little family.

Spencer and Emilia moved in with Rex, her boyfriend, a few weeks ago. Seeing her so happy has been great, even if I’m skeptical of relationships and men in general. My friend deserves all the good things and endless joy after everything she’s been through. Emilia struggled to take care of Spencer and take him to all of his doctor appointments, let alone pay for everything. Rex swooped in and has been taking care of her and Spencer for the last several months. I truly hope it works out, and that Rex is as good as he appears to be.

“Do you have to work tonight?” June asks me, directing my attention back to her. I smile brightly, determined to stay focused on what’s most important - June.

“Nope, I finished up work this morning. I’m good until tomorrow,” I tell her.
