Page 3 of Until Remington

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“Does that mean we get to hang out all day?” she asks with a delighted sparkle in her eyes. How could anyone not love this kid? She’s the absolute cutest, and so sweet and thoughtful.

“It does. You’re even invited over for movie night tonight.”


“Of course,” I say with a laugh, and she cheers in the backseat. “Now, are you ready to go paint some ceramics?”


I smile, shifting into drive and taking one last look at the man before I drive away.



Things sure have gotten better around here,I think as I watch my dream girl drive off.

I still can’t fucking believe it. My heart hasn’t slowed down for a single second since my eyes first landed on hers. The force of her gaze hit like a damn Mac truck to the chest, and I swear my world ground to a halt. It took a full minute for me to remember how to breathe again, though I’m still struggling with lightheadedness.

She was the most beautiful, precious woman I’ve ever seen in my life. I noticed her smiling down at the girl with her but didn’t get a look at her face. Then her chocolatey brown hair caught a soft breeze, the strands swirling around her face and revealing blue eyes that glowed with life and happiness as she looked up at me.

I’ve all but forgotten what true joy looks like. I’ve been surrounded by war, death, and despair for too long. A pang of loss threatens to pierce through this perfect moment, but I push it away. Nothing can take away from the satisfaction of meeting my future wife.


Did I really just think that? Wife.Wife.Yes. That feels right. Fuck that, it feels incredible. It feels like the thing I’ve been missing my whole life. Maybe that’s what woke up the ferocious, possessive beast inside of me. She gave me one ounce of hope and goodness, and now I’m addicted. Determined to make her mine.

She’s the reason I survived all the shit I’ve been through in my life. I had to keep going so I could meet her. I didn’t know it at the time, but this woman has been my reason to live from day one.

I saw kindness and fierceness in her clear blue eyes, and I knew she was a fighter, just like me. I don’t know her story, not yet anyway, but I’m sure of it. She’s got a fire in her, just like I do. That fire calls to me. I don’t even know her name, and I’m ready to burn down the world just to be closer to my new obsession.

When I was younger, girls were the last thing on my radar. I was too busy trying to figure out a way to get out of this town and away from my alcoholic mother. It would have been cruel to invite someone into that dysfunction.

I joined the military as soon as I graduated high school and left for boot camp right after. I went through boot camp and then went right to BUDs. I became a Navy SEAL and never thought that I would be back here.

I might have come back if I knew she was here.

I never entertained one-night stands, never got tangled up in messy emotions, just kept my head down and did what I had to do to survive. Plus, no one ever caught my eye. No one ever made me want to open up or risk being vulnerable. One look at my mystery woman, however, and I’m ready to rip out my heart and place it at her feet.

Okay, maybe work on the metaphor a bit,I tell myself. It’s not exactly the most romantic imagery, but Jesus, after my visceral reaction to the gorgeous, curvy woman who fell into my arms, I swear that’s exactly what happened. One touch of her soft, creamy skin, and I was done for.

I glance back to where her car was parked, but she’s long gone now.

It’s okay, I tell myself, trying to push back the panic. This is a small town, and I’m sure I’ll run into her again soon. When I do, I’m not going to let her get away from me. Not without getting her name and phone number. And her address, so I know where to send the moving crew to gather her things. Obviously, my woman will be living under my roof from now on.

Taking a deep breath, I try moving those life-changing realizations to the back burner. At least for the moment.

I got out of the SEALs three months ago, and found out my mom had passed away. I might be a horrible son, but I wasn’t shocked or saddened to hear the news. It just made me feel… numb. Even so, I’m back in my hometown, dealing with the aftermath. First, I need to fix up my mother’s house and sell it. And then… well, I’m not sure what I want to do with my life next, but this will be a good project in the meantime.

Speaking of projects…

I turn back to the building where the Big Brothers Big Sisters program is located. It was my old commanding officer who recommended that I volunteer somewhere. He said that giving back to the community would help me get acclimated to civilian life faster and it would give me something else to focus on. Something other than the men I lost on my last mission. Something good.

Right about now, I’m thinking dating might have been a better option. What the hell do I know about kids?

About as much as you do about dating, my not-so-helpful inner monologue points out.

I sigh as I head inside and up to the front counter.
