Page 31 of Until Remington

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“Want to come over to my house for a bit?” she asks him, and I watch as they head inside.

I wait until I know they’re safely inside her apartment before I drive off and head home. Scarlett should be at work, and Emilia is probably hanging out with Rex and Spencer so I should have the whole house to myself.

I park out front and head inside, letting out a sigh as I look around. I’m not sure what to do now. Take a shower or a bath and try to think things through? Or maybe I should get some work done and ignore all of my confusing thoughts about what’s going on with Remington.

“Hey! I was wondering if you were going to be home,” Emilia says as she comes in right behind me.

“Hey, is Spencer with you?” I ask, looking around for her little brother.

“No, he’s with Rex. They’re going on some overnight camping trip, so I thought I’d stop by,” she tells me.

“Sounds like fun.”

“I hope so. Rex is trying to bond more with Spencer. I need to finish up some paperwork for school.”

“Are you going to start during the summer semester?” I ask her.

Emilia dropped out of college to take care of Spencer when their mother ran off. She came into some money when her father passed away a few months ago, and now that she and Rex are engaged, she can finally go back to college to get her degree.

Scarlett and I are so happy for her. Emilia is such a sweet, strong person. She balanced work, bills, and taking care of Spencer and all of his medical appointments without complaint. No one deserves to get everything she wants out of life more than her.

“I’m thinking about it. It will depend on how quickly I can get everything together. The fall semester might be better since Spencer would be in school all day too. What about you? What’s new with you?” she asks as we head into the kitchen.

“Not much. I just got done hanging out with June and Noah.”

“Yeah? How was that? Was your new man there?” she asks with a knowing smile.

“Um… no,” I tell her.

Her smile fades, and she looks concerned.

“Is everything okay? Scarlett told me that you two were cute together.”

“We went out a few times,” I hedge.


“And we slept together.”

“Yay! Wait… was it terrible?” she asks.

“No, it was amazing.”

“Then yay!”

“And then he ghosted me.”

“He what?!” she shouts.

“He ghosted me. No calls, no texts, no smoke signals, or messages by carrier pigeon or anything. Then he showed up today like it was nothing.”

“What was his reasoning? Did he lose or break his phone or something? Get arrested? Because Rex has the Mayson’s phone number, we could always check his story out and see if their dad arrested him.”

“No, I didn’t give him a chance to explain. Why would I? It wasn’t just me he hurt. Remington up and abandoned Noah too. When the asshole showed up, Noah was pissed. He asked to leave, and I was all too happy to oblige.”

“Hmm,” Emilia says, leaning against the kitchen counter.

“What?” I ask after she doesn’t say anything for a solid minute. I don’t like her tone. I have a feeling she’s going to tell me something I don’t want to hear but need to hear anyway.
