Page 32 of Until Remington

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“I think it’s worth at least giving him a chance to explain. He might have a good reason for disappearing.”

I roll my eyes, taking a page from Noah’s book of favorite facial expressions. “And if he doesn’t?” I ask her.

“Well, then at least you’ll know.”

I scoff, not liking that prospect. Still, my friend has a point.

Maybe she’s right. Not knowing is already driving me crazy. What could his reason possibly be? More importantly, is there any reason that makes this okay?

“I know it’s hard to open up and let someone get close to you,” my friend says softly. I shrug, looking away. “But part of being in a relationship is giving each other the benefit of the doubt. How do you know he’s a terrible person if you haven’t given him a chance to redeem himself?” I shrug again, not saying anything. “From what Scarlett told me, your man is completely gone over you.”

Part of me knows she’s right. Remington is not going to just let this go. He’s never taken no for an answer from me. I doubt that this time is going to be any different. Which is confusing as hell because didn’thecease contact withme? I’m just taking the hint and reciprocating. Fair is fair.


My stomach clenches, and I wonder if I made a smart choice by blocking him and refusing to hear him out at the park, or if maybe it was the worst decision of my life.

“Come on, we can hang out tonight and talk through it,” she says, wrapping me up in a hug. “Then you can go and hear him out. And if he has a shitty excuse, then you can come back here, and we’ll get drunk and shit-talk him until you’re feeling better.”

I smile, squeezing her back. I know then that no matter what, as long as I have Emilia and Scarlett, I’m going to be just fine.



I should probably giveLucy some more time to calm down before I try to talk to her again, but I can’t wait any longer. I went to the store and picked up a few things to aid in my mission of winning Lucy and Noah back, but I might die if I don’t talk to my girl again today. Time isn’t on my side. I already went days without talking to her, days of letting her think I don’t care.

It’s not a want anymore; it’s a need. Ineedto talk to her and explain what happened. Ten thousand apologies won’t be enough, but if I can start right now, I can get a few hundred in before the end of the day.

Then I can get back to making her mine forever and ensuring I never disappoint her again.

I park behind Lucy’s Jeep and pause, taking a few deep breaths before I get tongue-tied again. God, seeing the betrayal in her blue eyes hurt like a motherfucker. It’s my fault. I’m the reason she’s hurt. I promised her she could trust me, that I wouldn’t let her down. And then I went and fucked everything up.

Not just with Lucy, either. I have a lot of making up to do with Noah, as well.

No time like the present to try and fix everything I messed up.

Gathering up all of my courage, I hop out, grabbing the flowers I bought for my girl before I stride over to the front door. I knock, waiting impatiently until I see her shadow coming to answer it.

She comes into view and freezes when she sees me standing on the other side of the door. Her silhouette is a bit blurry through the glass door, but everything in me aches when I see her. I want to fold her up in my arms and carry her away to somewhere private where we can talk and then make love for hours.

I don’t think that day is going to be today, however.

I give Lucy a hesitant smile, and she crosses her arms over her chest. It’s obvious my girl isn’t happy to see me. She’s not ready to talk, and I have a feeling that I should leave the flowers and back away like she’s a wild animal. Instead, I press on.

“Just hear me out,” I call through the door. She hasn’t taken another step toward me and makes no move to open the door or move closer to me. I take a deep breath and continue. “Lucy, please. Just give me a chance. Just a few minutes to explain,” I plead, and she shakes her head.

“I don’t want to see you right now,” she calls back.

I try to focus on theright nowpart of that sentence. At least she’s starting to seem to warm up to me. She’s not telling me she never wants to see me again, just not right now.

“I’ll try again tomorrow,” I call through the door. “I’m so sorry you’re hurting, baby. I hate that I put you through any pain.” No response, but I wasn’t expecting one. “I’m not giving up on you,” I tell her, setting the flowers down on the porch.

I hear the softest whisper from the other side of the door. “You already did.”

Fuck methat hurts. I stumble a bit before regaining my balance. I did more damage than I thought, but I’m no less determined to win her back.

I trudge over to my truck and climb behind the wheel, glancing over at the three bags of Doritos that I bought at the store with the flowers. I swung out at the first house, talking to Lucy. Here’s hoping that my talk with Noah goes at least a little bit better.
