Page 35 of Until Remington

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“It’s all junk.”

“Anything else you want to say to her?”


I nod, smiling slightly as I back out and head toward my mom’s old place. I know I need to call Sheriff Mayson and report what happened. I’m sure that this is child abuse, not to mention everything else that Noah could tell them about living with his mom in that apartment.

Right now, though, I just want to get Noah settled and put some ice on his eye. Then we can make a plan for going forward.

One that includes making sure that Noah is safe and happy and one that involves making Lucy mine again. I want this little family with my whole being, and I won’t stop until everyone is together again.



I can’t lockmyself away forever;I tell my reflection in the mirror.

It’s Saturday, which means it’s been a whole week since I’ve seen Remington. Completely unrelated, it’s also the same amount of time I’ve been inside my house.

Fine. It’s totally related. Every freaking time I opened the door, Remington had dropped off another gift, more flowers, or a mountain of candy. I’ve been piling everything on my dresser, aside from a few Sour Skittles that happened to fall out of the bag and into my mouth. I’m not sure what to do with everything yet. I don’t want to toss it, which has to mean something.

Maybe it means I’m a stupid sap.

I replay the conversation Emelia and I had over margaritas as I sweep my hair up into a messy bun. We decided that I should hear him out and go from there when I esd ready. The problem now is that I’m not sure when I’ll ever be ready to face him again.

I wanted to wait until he didn’t have this strange hold over me anymore. Every time I so much as think about him, my heart starts to race. Remington still has this sway over me, and I need to figure out how to stop that before I can discuss things with him. I don’t want my reaction to influence what happens between us.

So, naturally, I’ve been avoiding Remington like the plague. I’ve gotten a ton of work done this past week, but I’m starting to get a little stir-crazy. Plus, I have to pick up June today for our session, which means that I need to walk past Remington to get to my car.

No time like the present,I think to myself as I gather up my things. Taking a deep breath, I open the door and walk out onto the porch, ready as I’m ever going to be.

“Lucy,” Remington says, jumping to his feet.

I’m not surprised he’s waiting out here for me. Iamsurprised at the way my body floods with warmth.Stupid, stupid body, I scold myself.

“I don’t want to talk to you,” I tell him as I hurry down the steps and over to my Jeep.

“I just need a minute,” he tells me, and I can feel the butterflies taking flight in my stomach at the sound of his voice.Dammit, woman!This is why I stayed inside all week.

“I don’t have time.”

“We could ride together to get the kids,” he tells me. “June’s mom is bringing Noah for me.”

I pause at his words, wondering how he knows that. He must have talked to Noah, and if he’s meeting him today, then Noah must have forgiven him.

That has to be a good sign, then.


“No, thank you,” I tell him.

He watches as I slide behind the wheel and start my car. I refuse to look at him. Logically, I know that I’m only going to be buying myself about ten minutes since he’ll be right behind me. I plan on using my time to try to build my walls back up.

My thoughts are racing as I drive through downtown, and my heart is beating out of control. He left me. Abandoned me right after we slept together. He knew it was my first time being with anyone, yet he still left me high and dry.

If I’m being honest with myself, those big, nasty emotions aren’t as dominant anymore. I want to cling to them to justify my bitterness and reinforce the boundaries I’ve always had around my heart but with each passing day…

Gah. I don’t even want to think it but the idea is already in my brain. With each passing day, my heart grows heavier and heavier. I miss Remington. I’ve grown used to having him in my life, and I miss getting his texts throughout the day. I miss him dropping by to try to convince me to go out to dinner with him or just humor him. I miss the way he held me and the sweet things he whispered. I miss feeling safe in his arms.
