Page 44 of Until Remington

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“You make it sound so easy.”

“It’s not,” I assure him. “But nothing about this situation is easy. You can either wallow for the rest of your life and blame everyone and everything for how you got to be where you are or find a way to heal and make thispartof your story instead of the entire plot.”

“Well, damn,” Romeo says after a few moments of silence.

I chuckle. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to get on my soapbox.”

“No, you’re right. I think I’m just afraid that if I feel the anger and grief, I won’t be strong enough to make it through to the other side,” he confesses.

“That’s why you have me,” I remind him. “We’ll get through this, Romeo. I’m not abandoning you.”

He’s silent for another moment before changing the subject.

“Your woman has you getting all sappy on me, huh?” Romeo jokes. I let him have this out. I’m sure we’ll have this conversation again soon.

“You have to come meet her,” I insist. “We have a built-in community here, between Lucy and her two closest friends and their boyfriends.”

“Sounds like I’d be the third wheel. Or, the seventh wheel, as the case may be,” he muses.

“Nah. We’ll find you a woman when you’re ready.”

“Yeah, right,” Romeo scoffs.

Lucy comes sauntering into the bedroom where I’ve been sitting up in the bed, waiting for her to get done with one last project for a client before going to sleep. We put Noah to bed a while ago now, and I can’t wait for some alone time with my woman. My eyes are immediately drawn to her curves, nearly popping out of my head when she strips down in front of me.

“Uh, hey, I gotta go,” I tell my friend.

“Tell Lucy hey from me,” he teases before hanging up.

I toss the phone aside and pull the covers back, patting the spot next to me.

“Hi there, gorgeous,” I murmur, leaning over to kiss my woman as she joins me in bed.

“Hi,” she says with a smile, snuggling into my side. Completely nude.

I also happen to be sans clothes, but I don’t usually sleep in anything.

“Did you need something from me, baby?” I whisper, nuzzling into the side of her neck.

She nods, moaning softly. I guide her so she’s on her back, and I’m holding myself above her, staring into her brilliant blue eyes. I’m about to devour my sexy as hell woman when her eyes blink slowly and she yawns.

I grin at her, noticing her uneven blinking. My girl is exhausted from the frustrating client she just dealt with all day, and while I very much want to give her a few orgasms as a reward, right now, she needs sleep.

Pressing a kiss to her stomach, between her breasts, her neck, cheek, and finally her lips, I whisper, “Let’s get some rest, love.”

“But I’m horny,” she whines, even as another yawn escapes. She can barely keep her eyes open, and I laugh softly.

“I’ll be right here the whole night,” I reassure her. “I’m sure I’ll be ready to go at the drop of a hat, so you just get some sleep for now.”

Lucy pouts, even as she snuggles deeper into the blankets. I kiss the top of her nose and carefully turn her onto her side, curling up behind my woman and holding her close. I rock us ever so gently back and forth, thanking every god I can think of that this woman is mine.

Sometime later, I stir awake in the dark, unsure of what woke me up. Then I hear it. The sweetest, softest moan. I’m spooned around Lucy’s curvy body, one hand on her side as she rocks her hips slowly, brushing her ass against my hard as fuck dick.

“Baby,” I groan, tightening my hold on her hip to help her grind against me.

“Mmm,” is all she says.

“Are you awake?” I ask, sliding my hand around to her front and cupping her pussy. Fucking hell, she’ssoakedfor me. My baby really was horny. Still is. She must be aching. Lucy moans my name under her breath and pushes back against me. My sleepy, sexy girl is going to get quite the wake-up call.
