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But before any of us can move or even speak, Mike’s eyes bulge, and his hand goes to his heart. His fingers grasp his shirt as he freezes, his color turning the color of an eggplant.

“Daddy?” Mia asks softly, her voice filled with concern.

Then Mike collapses in a heap, his body hitting the floor like a sack of potatoes.



Horrified that my antics might have killed my dad, I jump out of bed, racing to his side, the very real possibility that I might not have the opportunity to make things right with him at the forefront of my mind.

“Mike?” Tina collapses onto the floor beside me, her voice scared as she pats my dad’s cheek, trying to wake him.

“Call an ambulance!” I scream desperately when he doesn’t respond.

But Luke’s already on the phone, his voice low and urgent as he rushes to explain what happened. Tears stream down my cheeks as I turn back to my dad to peer at his red face, the veins popping dangerously along his temple and brow.

“Mia,” someone murmurs, and a moment later, soft satin settles around my shoulders as Cilian wraps me in my robe.

“Let me look at him,” Zach insists.

As Cilian guides me to my feet, Zach bends down to press his ear to Daddy’s chest.

“I killed him,” I breathe, shaking as silent sobs rack my body.

“Shh, of course ye didn’t, love. Yer father will be just fine,” Cilian assures me, wrapping me in his strong, steady arms. “But let’s get ya dressed befar the ambulance arrives.”

I nod, wiping at my tears, but they fall just as quickly, soaking my cheeks.

“He’s still breathing,” Zach assures the room, and I breathe a sigh of relief.

“The ambulance is on its way. Should be here within five minutes,” Luke adds, slipping his phone back into his pants pocket.

Then he shrugs back into his shirt before striding over to me. He collects me in his arms as Cilian disappears into my closet to find me something to wear. But I can’t take my eyes off my dad. I’m terrified if I do for a second, he might slip away.

In a daze, I dress, and then the ambulance arrives to cart my dad out on a gurney and rush him to the hospital.

“We’ll meet you there,” Zach assures me, his voice soothing as he helps me up into the ambulance alongside Tina.

I nod, releasing his hand as the paramedic closes the door behind me.

And though I hardly know Tina, as we sit and watch the paramedic hook him up to a machine, she takes my hand and gives it a comforting squeeze.

* * *

Tinaand I sit quietly in the waiting room, all but strangers as we wait to hear any news about my dad’s condition. He was rushed into the emergency room as soon as we got to the hospital, and we’ve heard nothing in the half hour since.

The sliding front doors open, allowing in a brisk flurry of winter air and snow. The bitter draft carries in three masculine figures, their strides urgent as they seek me out with their eyes. I stand, striding forward to meet them, and Luke steps forward to wrap me in his arms.

“Any word?” he asks, concern dripping from his voice as he releases me so Cilian can hug me as well.

I shake my head, my eyes stinging with fresh tears.

“I’m sorry we took so long.” Zach steps forward to take my hand. “I had to find someone who could watch Lindsey, make sure she gets to bed on time.”

“Of course,” I say, sniffling. “I totally understand.”

But I’m riddled with guilt over what happened and weighed down by the decision I know I have to make. I just don’t know what to do, and it feels as though my heart has shattered into a thousand tiny pieces.What if my dad never recovers?
