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“Mia, you’re so young. Are you sure about this? It’s a huge responsibility.”

“I am, Daddy. I’ve thought about it a lot, and I want to do this. I’m not alone, though. I have Cilian, Luke, and Zach. We’re going to figure this out together. I want to raise this child with them. I want to create a family with them, even if it’s not traditional. They make me happy, Daddy. Can’t you be happy for me?”

My heart swells with a mixture of pride and admiration for Mia. She’s strong, and she’s not afraid to face the challenges life has thrown at her. I glance at Luke and Zach, and I can see the same emotions mirrored in their eyes.

Suddenly, the weight of the competition we’ve had for Mia’s attention seems trivial. It’s clear that what matters most now is supporting her through this unexpected journey. We share a look, one that silently communicates our unspoken agreement—the rivalry is over. We’re a team now, united in our commitment to make Mia happy and to care for the child she’s chosen to keep.

As we stand there in silent conference, the door creaks open, and Mia steps out. Her blue eyes meet mine, and there’s a vulnerability in them that I haven’t seen before. It’s as if she’s seeking reassurance, confirmation that she’s not alone.

I flash a smile to show her we’re still here. We didn’t go anywhere.

“Hey,” she says, her voice soft. “Thanks for giving us a moment. And for staying nearby.”

I nod, my hand instinctively reaching out to squeeze hers. “Ye don’t have to thank us, Mia. We’re here for ye.”

She smiles, a mixture of gratitude and relief on her face. “You want to come back in? Daddy would like to talk to you.” Then her eyes shift past us to Mike’s new fiancée, who leans against the wall, all but forgotten in the tense moment. “You too, Tina,” she says with a newfound warmth. “Thanks for stepping outside.”

“Of course.” Tina grins, pushing off the wall to join us.

Our footsteps echo in the sterile corridor as we follow Mia into the room. Mike is propped up in the hospital bed, a faint smile on his face as he sees us entering.

“Ah, the three musketeers,” he says, his voice sarcastic but far calmer than the last time we saw him. “I should’ve known better than to leave my daughter alone with you three,” he jokes. “As far as I’m concerned, you’re villains of the worst kind for corrupting her and getting her pregnant—”

“Daddy,” she warns, and he gives her an appeasing gesture before continuing.

“She asked for my support and understanding, and as my daughter, she will always have it. Still, in my eyes, none of you could possibly be worthy of her. But it appears I’ve been out-voted.”

Luke chuckles. “Well, we can’t argue with you there. But that was going to be true of any man who pursued your daughter.”

Mike chuckles, a sound that echoes through the room. “Perhaps you’re right.”

The tension in the room eases as the banter erases the rest of the bad feelings surrounding Mia’s confession, and I’m rather impressed by Mike’s ability to recover from such an unexpected discovery as walking in on us all in Mia’s room.

“I suppose I should congratulate you fellas,” he continues after a moment’s pause. “As Mia tells it, you’ve managed to help her find her drive when I’ve been trying for her whole life.”

“She’s given us too much credit,” I insist, though pride warms my chest as I think back on our conversation last night, the way Mia’s eyes lit up with anticipation as she realized she’s talked her way to the solution to her problems.

Mike’s eyes shift to me, and he studies me closely for a moment, his scrutiny familiar, though he’s considering me for a different purpose than our relationship has ever endured before. This time, he’s truly measuring my worth, and in the span of a moment, I see him resolve to support his daughter’s choice—despite his own reservations.

Clearing his throat of emotion, Mike says gruffly, “If I could trust anyone with her, it would be the three men standing in this room.”

The sincerity in his words catches me off guard. It moves me and makes me want, more than ever, to do right by Mia, to prove I’m worthy of her love—and my friend’s trust.

“But,” he adds, his expression turning deadly, “if any of you so much as puts one toe out of line, I’ll wipe you off the face of the earth. Understood?”

The threat is delivered with a slight twinkle in his eye, and we nod, a mixture of amusement and genuine understanding. We know he’s protective of Mia, and rightly so. She’s a special girl, someone worth defending, no matter the cost.

“Don’t worry, Mike,” I joke—well, mostly—flashing a wicked grin. “If Luke or Zach screws up in any way, I’ll be right there with you, ready to destroy them.”

For a moment, the statement sits heavily in the room, I suspect because of the close connections I have to the Irish mafia in New York. My threat probably sounds far more legitimate. I don’t mind. If the other two men I’ve entrusted Mia’s heart to believe their deaths would shortly follow any betrayal they might commit, all the better. They’ll be less likely to commit it in the first place.

But before it can get too serious, Mike’s laughter fills the room, breaking the tension once again. Tina giggles nervously, and Mia rolls her eyes at our banter. It’s a moment of levity in what could be a daunting situation. Today, we’ve become a family in the truest sense, bound not by blood but by a shared commitment to love and protect Mia and her unborn child.



Ibarely slept a wink last night, despite the doctor’s assurance that my dad is just fine. Still, they didn’t want to discharge him until this morning, so as the sun paints the sky in hues of pink and gold, Tina and I head out into Aspen’s winter wonderland to bring him back home.
