Page 34 of Secret Love

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“But—” Dunc pushes, wanting me to finish. And the look he’s giving me tells me he needs me to give him the words.

“I really like you.” My checks burn. Pretty sure he knows this already, but saying it out loud makes me feel vulnerable. “Even if you’re an asshole.”

“Not an asshole to you,” he reminds me.

“Right.” I laugh. “I want to see where this goes. I see what happened to your dad and my mom when people got in their way.” Everything might be great now between them, but they suffered for years because of other people. It makes me hesitant.

“You don’t have to worry about that. I won’t let anyone come between us. Van hasn’t stopped me. Maybe slowed me but never fucking stopped.” I have to admit that I love this side of Dunc. The one that gets all possessive and will fight for me.

“It would be nice if you two could get along.” It may be wishful thinking, but I truly believe that the two of them will eventually come to their senses.

“It’s not easy with how he is with you.” Dunc opens the car door for me.

“What do you mean?”

“In you go. You got a doctor's appointment. See if you can get rid of that sling today.”

“I do?” I slide into the passenger seat. Dunc leans in and pulls my seatbelt over me. “I can buckle myself in.” His only response is to press a kiss to my lips before shutting the door and going around to the other side to hop in.

“So? How is Van with me?”

“I’m jealous. All right?” I stare at him. That wasn’t what I thought he was going to say. But I can tell from how his jaw is clenching that he’s not joking.

“He’s my brother. I really hope you don’t want to be my brother.”

“He acts like you belong to him. You don’t. You’re mine.” I snort a laugh.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to laugh.” I apologize remembering how I felt with Rose. I place my hand on his thigh. “I promise I do not see Van as anything other than my brother. He’s protective because of the crap I dealt with in our last school. The bullying started because of petty girls wanting Van, and I think he took that on as it being his fault.”

“Shit.” Dunc lets out a breath. He pulls the car over to the side of the road. “I know I got my own shit too. It doesn’t help that Van is Cooper’s real son.” It’s the first time he’s really admitted that out loud to me.

“Dunc.” I reach up to stroke his face. He leans into my touch. “Cooper is still your dad. Don’t take that from him. He was there for you back then and he’s here for you now.” Dunc grabs my hand, kissing my palm. Our fingers slide together to lock in place.

“What about you?”

“What about me?” I glance away.

“Back here, gorgeous.” He puts his finger on my chin to make me meet his eyes.

“I get scared,” I admit. “You all are really connected. I know it’s irrational, but my egg donor easily walked away from me.” I can’t stop the hitch in my voice. “It wasn’t because she didn’t have the means. She just didn’t want me. Hasn’t ever tried to find me. Not that I want her to, but it scares me that others could do the same.” I peel back some of my layers to reveal myself to him. I know it makes me vulnerable, but I don’t care.

“No one is going to walk away from you, Sadie. Soon enough, you’ll be tied to this family in more than one way.”

“What does that mean?”

“That you’re always going to be mine.” He leans in, his mouth taking mine in a slow, sweet kiss. I want to be his, but is it really that easy?



The party is going well.There’s no weed or booze because the parental units would not allow it, but everyone appears to be having fun. Clothes are off and swimsuits are on. About a dozen classmates are in the heated pool playing water polo. Another group is on the lawn playing a game of croquet that I swore no one would be interested in but anyone who loses has to collapse on the grass like they’re dead and you have to play around the bodies.

Next to me, Sadie shifts from one foot to the other, still nervous. A plastic cup is gripped between both hands.

“Ease up, babe,” I say quietly. “It’s all going well.”

“It is. It is,” she says, but she doesn’t sound fully convinced.
