Page 26 of Iron Heart

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“A virgin… I like it,” he remarks, earning an eye-roll and a chuckle from me.

“My clubs aren’t for everyone, Victoria.And the fact that you’re here alone…” He raises an intrigued eyebrow.

“I’m not alone.I’m with my bodyguard,” I say.“He’s already here.”

“Who is that, exactly?”he stops before a large room at the end of the corridor.

“Kingsley Williams.”

“Kingsley?He’s a bodyguard now?”The surprise in his voice is hard to miss.

“Do you know him?”

“I make it a point to know all my members.Although it’s getting harder while we expand.”

I want to inquire further, but I can’t.Anything I reveal to Dante might find its way back to my brothers, and I can’t risk that.

“Take this,” he says, handing me a beautiful diamond-encrusted mask.“Tonight it’s masquerade themed, so everyone’s in disguise,” he informs me.

Perfect.That’ll make it easier to blend in and possibly easier to find Kingsley without him recognizing me first.I take off my glasses and slip the mask on.The cold satin brushes against my skin as it settles over my eyes.

Dante guides me through the doorway into a room that’s like an extravagant fusion of opulence and secrecy.Red hues dance across the walls, and low lights cast a soft glow on the plush furnishings.Leather-bound chairs, velvet drapes, and mysterious alcoves create an atmosphere both inviting and thrilling.People are everywhere.Men and women, some wearing sexy lingerie, others fully clothed like me.

He approaches the bar and asks for a scotch.“And a glass of Cristal for my guest.”

Good idea.I might need a bit of liquid courage tonight as I take it all in.

He hands me the glass and clinks it with mine.“Be whoever you want to be here.”

I want to say I’m not here for me, but instead, I smile and swallow the liquid.

As we stroll, he narrates the space, his voice dripping with a mix of charm and authority.“This is where our members gather, converse, and indulge in a bit of decadence,” he explains, his hand gesturing casually to the various corners of the room.“Over there is our private lounge for those who seek a more intimate atmosphere, and this…” he continues, pausing dramatically in front of an intricately carved wooden door, “… is the heart of the club.”

He pushes the door open to reveal a stunning room bathed in soft candlelight.It’s darker than the main area.Intricate metalwork decorates the walls and an imposing array of apparatuses—a spanking bench, a St.Andrew’s cross, and various other instruments.

There’s a woman dressed in nothing but a lacy one-piece.She looks like some kind of teacher, donning a little riding crop and slapping it on her hand while she walks around the room of spectators.

I try to maintain my composure despite feeling my cheeks flush.Dante’s eyes meet mine, and he raises an eyebrow knowingly.“It’s a place for exploration, Victoria.Our members find freedom in expressing their desires here and in the several play suites next to this room.”

I nod, absorbing his words even as my thoughts spin with a mixture of intrigue and intimidation.

A man approaches Dante and says something to him discreetly.“I have something to attend to.Just call on me if you need anything,” he says, kissing me on the cheek, taking my empty glass from me and handing me another.“Although something tells me you will be perfectly fine.”

His words leave me puzzled like oil floating aimlessly in water.But I nod anyway, masking my confusion.“Thank you.”

The dim lighting of Club Caramel wraps around me like a sultry embrace, creating shadows where fantasies can play.The whispers of other attendees become background noise when I focus on the elevated stage where a live Dominant and submissive demonstration unfolds.

An instructor, all sharp lines and dark leather, speaks with authority.“If you follow precautions, wax play can be one of the safest forms of edge play.”

My eyes zero in on the submissive with her porcelain skin and fiery red hair.She’s on her knees, Dominant overhead, dripping red wax on her skin.I watch her, noticing how her posture speaks volumes about her curiosity and willingness.She’s not scared, not fearful, but excited and aroused.

As the wax drips onto her cleavage and her Dominant continues praising her, a warmth spreads through me.My heart races, and I find it hard to breathe.My string of wayward boyfriends—none of them have evoked this feeling inside me.

My pulse quickens, and a flush warms my cheeks as I continue to watch.

Then, my eyes wander, seeking something familiar.That’s when I spot him—Kingsley.Even in this dimly lit space, he towers over most, a beacon impossible to miss.His gaze is fixed on the demonstration, dark eyes burning with an intensity I’ve never seen before, even through his mask.Clearly, he is at home here.

There’s an electricity in the air, then as if sensing my gaze, our eyes lock, and I hold my breath.My heart hammers against my ribs, not from fear but from the thrill of discovery.
