Page 4 of Iron Heart

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I dial Vincent’s number, and my brother picks up on the second ring.“Vincent, what the hell have you done?”I explode, unable to contain my anger.

“What’s wrong, Victoria?”Vincent’s voice is calm, with a hint of concern.

“That new bodyguard of yours,Kingsley,just caused a scene outside my interview room!He tossed my security detail around like they were toys!”My words tumble out, fueled by frustration and disbelief.

“Slow down, slow down,” Vincent says, trying to soothe me.“I knew Kingsley was going to evaluate the security, but I didn’t think he’d go to such lengths.Let me explain—”

“Explain?Vincent, he made a spectacle of himself and me!”I snap, pacing the floor.

“Victoria, hear me out,” Vincent implores, his voice firm yet gentle.“Kingsley is ex-Special Forces.He was leader of the 3rd Regiment Battalion.”

“I don’t even know what that means,” I snap back.

“Listen.He’s the best there is.He is the recipient of three Silver Stars, and he’s the only bodyguard qualified enough who would take the job after you fired everyone else.You have a reputation now.You’re lucky to have him.They don’t come any more highly decorated than him.”

I stop, Vincent’s words sinking in.Despite my anger, I hate that he’s right.I need someone like Kingsley—someone who’s different and has the guts to challenge and keep me safe.

“He could have handled this privately, Vincent,” I say, my voice cracking.“He didn’t have to embarrass me like that.”

“Give him a chance,” Vincent urges.“I know it’s hard to trust after what happened, but he’s there to protect you.He’s the best, and he takes his job very seriously.”

I let out a long, shaky breath, my emotions in turmoil.Vincent’s words make sense, but Kingsley’s actions have rattled me.Still, something about him intrigues me, even as it infuriates me.

“I’ll try,” I finally say, a mixture of resignation and curiosity in my voice.“But if he pulls another stunt like that, he’s gone.”

Vincent lets out a groan.“We only want what’s best for you, sis.I have to run.Take care… I love you.”

“I love you too,” I reply, ending the call.

I sink into a chair, my eyes on the untouched salad.Kingsley.The name lingers, and I can’t shake the image of him—his unflinching gaze, his cold, powerful presence.

He’s not like the others.

He’s something else entirely.



We’re already behind schedule.

Her tardiness and attitude are something I simply cannot tolerate.

I’m beginning to question my decision to take on this assignment.

Since being honorably discharged from the Special Forces six months ago, my former Sergeant Stanley has called me weekly.Drinking myself further into a hole and blaming myself for losing my team, Stanley put forward my name to his brother, who happened to be on the lookout for a uniquely trained person to guard a new client.

His brother runs a top-tier security firm specializing in VIPs and needed a highly trained bodyguard to protect Victoria Slater or Viki Slate, her stage name.

The last thing I wanted was a gig in bodyguarding some rich pop star.But the alternative?Suicide was too easy.I couldn’t do that.So I took the gig.

During the preparation, I delved deep into her past, looking up her former residences, current details, and her recent kidnapping in Asia.It had taken up space in my mind that was previously occupied with negativity and self-loathing.

As I simmer with anger, the room around me grows frigid while I await her to come out of her hotel room.My attention briefly shifts when my phone buzzes, and when I glance at the screen, I see a message from my sister, Indy.

Indy:How’s the assignment?

I quickly thumb out a reply, knowing I’ll be busy but will make sure to call her later.
