Page 41 of Iron Heart

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Sandwiches and salads lay forgotten as laughter and chit-chat fill the air, but his calculated distance is a harsh counterpoint to the closeness we’ve secretly shared.It’s like he is deliberately ignoring me, and it’s getting under my skin.

A new message notification on my phone screen pops up, and my heart kicks into high gear.It’s from Kingsley.My fingers tremble slightly as I unlock my phone to read his words.

Kingsley:Remove your panties for the afternoon session and hand them to me.You have three minutes…

I let out an audible gasp.Hearing me, Gene swivels his head toward me.“Everything okay?”he asks.

I quickly put on a neutral expression.“Yes, it’s nothing.”

Shielding my phone from prying eyes, I tap out a quick reply.


When his piercing eyes lock onto mine, a fire ignites within me.He gives a subtle nod, sealing his command.My cheeks flush furiously while I make excuses, trying to slip away discreetly as possible.

I excuse myself, feeling a sudden rush of nerves and anticipation.My heart races as I hurriedly make my way to the bathroom, the door closing behind me with a soft click.The cool, tiled space provides a moment of solace, allowing me to gather my thoughts.

Glancing down at my outfit—a short skirt that adds a hint of daring to the situation—I can’t help but smile at the thrill of his naughty request.It’s as if his words linger in the air around me, sending shivers down my spine.With a quick, almost impatient motion, I slide my underwear down, bunching the delicate red lace thong into my hands.

Just as I’m about to catch my breath, a familiar chime echoes in the air—a message on my phone.Without needing to check, I know it’s Kingsley.

Kingsley:Sixtyseconds, kitten.

My pulse quickens, and I can practically feel my heart pounding in my chest.

A grin tugs at the corners of my mouth, too genuine to suppress.So he was ignoring me but missing me just as much?The thought fills me with a sense of anticipation and longing, a delicious mix I can’t help but savor.

With a deep breath, I leave the bathroom and reenter the world beyond its walls.My eyes quickly scan the room, landing on Lexy, my ever-efficient assistant, engrossed in conversation with Gene and his team.There’s a sense of satisfaction in knowing that our secret exchanges are just that—hidden beneath the layers of professionalism we both wear like a second skin.

My steps carry me toward Kingsley, his presence magnetic as always.He stands, leaning against the doorway, his gaze intense and captivating.The air between us seems to crackle with tension, a silent understanding passing between our locked eyes.

“Tick-tock, beautiful,” he utters in a low, smoky tone that sends shivers down my spine.

Without hesitation, I reach into my jacket pocket and retrieve the little red number.Holding it out to him, our fingers brush in a fleeting touch that sends a jolt of electricity through my veins.His dark brown eyes remain locked on mine, ablaze with a mixture of desire and something deeper.I want to savor his touch, but know we could get caught at any moment.

He takes the thong from my outstretched hand, his touch lingering just a moment longer than necessary,and he slides my panties into his pants pocket.

His Adam’s apple jumps in his throat, a sign that’s impossible to ignore.It tells me he’s as affected as I am, a signal that’s both raw and heady.

“Good girl,” he says, his voice a low rumble that courses through me.

“Thank you, Sir,” I return, the words a soft promise.

“Now get back to work,” he commands, and the finality in his voice stirs something deep within me.

Work is suddenly the furthest thing from my mind.

* * *

The moment Lexy leaves, I’m at my laptop, flicking through an overwhelming number of emails.But only one name catches my eye—Kingsley.My heart races as I click it open, anticipation tightening every muscle in my body.

I’ve been waiting for this all day, and now, finally, it’s time to see what he’s laid out for me.

Kingsley Williams

Date: August 3, 20:35

Subject: Rules of Engagement.
